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J.E.'s Civil War Page

"A Page You Will Always Remember, About A Time Our Nation Can Never Forget- Ken Burns"


I see you have found your way to the yankee lines. Sit down, have a drink, and I'll tell you a little 'bout myself.

My name is Jon-Erik, I'm 16 years old, and have been studying the American Civil War for 8 years. I have come to love the stories of the battles, generals, and even ghosts of the Civil War.

This page will be updated very often. So take some time to browse over the different branches of my website that are listed below. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

I can be reached on AOL by the name of: J15thOVI. Note that I'm not on AOL, I have simply downloaded the Instant Messanger, to accomadate you better. So, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask.

I can also be reached on ICQ. My # is: 10024078.

Folks, one kind note. Please do not send me e-mails asking me to do school reports or projects for you. No, I won't do that. I will however, send you material or info needed for you to complete your project. Thanks.

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Last updated: Saturday, April 15.

(reminder: Always check "Whats New" for the info on what changed and what was updated each day).

****Special Announcement: Folks, first I'd just like to thank you for bearing with me through this period my page hasen't been updated. I've had a lot going on, but as school is ending, over the summer, I plan to update virtually every section of the webpage, and even create some new ones. I plan on making the page bigger and better than ever! Bear with me for another month or so, and start looking for some improvements and updates. Thanks again!****

Fife And Drum Award

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15th OVI Reenacting Unit (my unit)
