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My Active Arsenal

These are the 10 weapons I use most in wars. They are the ones that I am the best with (as you read on you probably will figure out Im fast and I like single shot guns). I rated them in order from best to worst, and tried to be non-bias.

Super Maxx 2500

This isn't my favorite gun, but I dont't think anyone can disagree its the best. It has a good ammo load, can fire fast, and is very powerful. You can fire eight shots long, far, and fast. This is a must have gun. I rarly use it though cause it's too easy.

Bow 'n Arrow

The Bow 'n' Arrow is a sweet gun. It can shoot arrows further than any gun every made; and yes, I have 2 modified crossbows, so don't tell me they shoot further. They only shoot larami darts further, not arrows. The Bow also havs great accuracy, matching that of the crossbow. I can hit you square in the head from 40-50 feet away! I love this gun also because I can run really fast with it. It takes practice to get use to, but it is well worth it. I suggest you practice shooting it in a few wars and see how you like it. You will be suprised. It is also easy to modify. I strongly urge you to get this gun.

Manta Ray

The Manta Ray is a really, really good gun. I think it is over looked by most people. It rules how it can shoot 4 darts at once. Try that with any other gun. If you a fast runner, just chase people down while they're reloading and nail em with 4 darts, then run the hell outa there. In most games that will kill people from one trigger pull (unless you playing 4 lives or higher). To you poeple who say "the way we play the shield is just a big target", well you can suck my dick. I can't count how many bullets I have blocked with the shield. If you have any skill what so ever, you can block darts. I just shove the shield over the barrel of you gun and you can't do shit. It covers you while you are reloading. If you are the fastest man on the field, grab this gun and you will be surprised.


This is the best all purpose gun. It fires fast, far and accurate, and can hold up to 12 darts. Its best used for quick assaults, and one man can easily wast a few men. Accuracy isn't too great, but you gotta sacrifice something for rapid fire. The guns range equals that of many others, and you can lay down some fire on large groups of people from far away. Every team should have at least two of these in every war.


This is a damn good gun too. I don't care if it dosn't have great accuracy or range, but it holds 15 balls that bounce and roll all around you. A single ball can count as 2 or 3 hits! You rarly have to reload, and if you do it's fast and easy. Most of the kills from this gun come from out lasting you opponent with ammo and chasing them down while they're reloading. Again a gun for the faster people in the war. You will be surprised how hard it is to knock off one of these guys on a team, it takes at least 2 chainblazers!


The crossbow is a sweet gun for sniping. It can fire larami darts over 70 feet and very accurate. This gun by far out ranges any other gun. This is the only gun that scares me when I have a Bow 'n' Arrow. This gun may only fire one shot at a time, but it's accuracy and range are sweet. Every team needs one of these. It's really annoying to the chainblazers and ballzookas getting nailed from about 50 feet outside of their own shooting range!


Many say this is the best gun out there. I don't think its bad, but there are way better guns. This gun again is an all purpose gun, very similar to the chainblazer. The arrowstorm only carries 6 bullets or arrows, but has far superior range and accuracy than the chainblazer. A little harder to rapid fire causing bad accuracy. This gun is great for both rushing and sniping. This should be high on the gun list for people who like distance, but want an rapid fire gun.


The SharpshooterII is my favorite pistol. It shoots far and fast for a pistol. I like the loading mechanism on the SS2. I have two of these guns and I heaveily modified them. These guns take part in every war. Other than the lock 'n' load, they are the furthest shooting pistols. It is kind of cool when you fire both guns and are reloaded before the enemy can get to you. I put two of these guns on my belt and when I am out of ammo, I just pop them out and down you go. They can really cover you, the best backup gun ever. It would be helpful if nerf put a belt clip on it like on the commlink II!

Lock 'n' Load

This is one of the best pistols. Its range is unbelievable for a tiny pistol, and the accuracy is great too. The cocking is EXTREMLY easy, but reloading is a bit slower than other pistols. Comparing this to the SS2, the accuracy and range is much better, but reloading is much slower. The SS2 also carries two darts, which is why I use it more.

Commlink II

These are great pistols too! And the have a belt clip!! The fire as far as the SS2 but don't have the second barrel. I think these have better accuracy though. The walkie talkies dont't do shit, but that donsn't mean the guns are bad! I really like these guns for a backup and are less bulky than the SS2. When you have two of these, they are much bigger (not heavier though) and put together can be used as a shield. Very good pistols, but sadly often overlooked for the shity walkie-talkies. Only downturn is price.

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