left to right | Scott Bosley · Brian Lewis · Chris Bidwell · Kane Naylor |
kanenaylor@yahoo.com Founder of the group, tech support, and general organizer of activities. Is a refugee from the Hard Black Thing and vows never to repeat the style of HBT. Is he successful? Well, maybe if he turned around on stage and faced the audience once in awhile. Plays guitar (with several pedals), moog and other synthesizers, violin, and general aleatoricness. All in all a highly creative spirit. BrianLewis blewis@resourcepartner.com Also a HBT refugee, a nontraditional drummer who doesn't own a set, but several drums found in different locations including my neighbor's garbage. Brian is a very tribal drummber that we enjoy very much and is perfectly suited for our sound. ChrisBidwell chrisbid@yahoo.com Came to Columbus five years ago in search of nothing in particular, and has certainly found it. Plays trumpet (with and without fx board), wooden flute, the LT 1985, homemade drum (polyethelyne head), three-tone noise maker, and other toys. ScottBosley scottbos@angelfire.com Formerly with bands from so far back, I was in grade school, he fills in the talent gap and completes the part of sound that makes us legitimate. Looks like he's 12 years old, plays keys, electronic drums, and assorted rythmic looping devices. | |