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Violin Arts Cafe

Violin Forums:

Maestronet - violin shop that put up a great forum full of knowledgeable professionals.
Pro Strings - Connie's forum is all about professional violin playing and teaching. - Ilya Gringolts is posting in there, one of the world's leading soloists who toured with Perlman and won the Paganini competition at 17 (if he is who he claims to be). Emil Chudnovsky is also a member who participated in a recent Paganini Competition. - a new violin forum started by some of my very best cyber friends.
Holy Viola! - forum dedicated to viola discussion
String Asylum - some of the more witty and knowledgeable Maestronet people come in here to talk more casually about violin but not strictly limited to violin discussion.
Pro Violin - another great discusstion list.
BAVS - beginning adult violin study, another forum full of knowledgeable professionals, not just for beginners.
Stephen Redrobe - This forum features weekly lessons on video with maestro Stephen Redrobe, who studied with the legendary violinist Oscar Shumsky.
Classical Trading - group formed for trading rare and oop violin recordings.
Bowed Sting Music Makers - another string forum to visit.
Classical Music Guide - forum for generalized classical music. - fiddle type discussions here.
Chat Room - violin specific chat violinists can use to discuss their art.

Useful Links:

Violin Webrings - all kinds of neat stuff in here! Please sign up if you have a good webpage.
Sheila's Corner - this is the best and most comprehensive web on the net full of just about everything and anything about the violin!
Connie's Violin Page - awesome page from the creator of the original violin web ring.
Connie's FAQ - answers many frequently asked questions here.
Connie's Baroque Violin Page - a great essay regarding baroque violin technique.
Violin masterclass - many great documents avalible here regarding violin technique
Renaissance Violin - check out this beautiful and well researched page. I would nomintate this one for violin web page of the year.
Jose Sanchez Penzo - made an awesome page about famous players and violins.
String Student's WebPage - many great essays and resources in here, including a midi metronome you can download.
Arts Conservatory - great web that includes midi files you can use to practice your scales until the cows come home!
Mr Fiddle - many midi files here for tuning and playing along to the Suzuki books.
Repertiore - Indiana U shows the great compositions for the violin and appropriate sequence of study.
Music Theory Online - series of music theory lessons.
Lydia's FAQ - also answers many frequently asked questions.
Stephen Redrobe's FAQ - frequently asked questions answered by maestro Redrobe who studied with the great Shumsky.
History - brief history of the violin.
History of Vibrato - there is a growing contraversy about when vibrato was first used and especially the use of vibrato with baroque music.
Vibrato Instruction - great videos that explain the vibrato technique for violin.
ViolinLand - detailed information and resources for the violin.
Lydia's Links - links to my favorite violin web sites on the web!
VioLink - more links to my favorite violin web sites on the web!
Musical Chairs - still more links to my favorite violin sites on the web!
Maestronet Library - many interesting articles posted here!
String Pedagogy Notebook - more interesting articles.
World Federation of International Music Competitions - look up your fave competition here. VSA - The Violin Society of America
Westbury Park - string teachers in the UK who offer lessons and have posted several interesting articles about string playing and teaching.
Violin Online - many great sources of violin info here.
Art of Violin - essay regarding violin artistry.
Classical music webring - more great stuff in here!
Music Glossary - don't know what rubato or cantabile means? Naxos provided a pretty good overview of such teminology.
Catgut Acoustics - brings together researchers in musical acoustics, violin makers, composers, string players, and lovers of the music they make.
Phyics of the bow - great essay about the physics of bowing.
Modern obscure violin composers
How the Bow Produces Sound - another great essay regarding the physics of bowing.
The Violin Encyclopedia - great violin encyclopedia on cd.
Bowed Electricity - info about electric players and makers.
Soundpost Online - Where Players Makers and Connoisseurs of the Violin Meet to Exchange News Views and Information
Jazz Strings - info about jazz violin.
No Where Radio - place to put up clips of your playing for all to hear.
History of Strings - Intersting facts about the history of gut strings, among other interesting articles.
Michael Kimber's Viola Page - Ok, so I included a link to a page about the viola, go ahead shoot me.

Teachers: - provides a listing of violinists, many of whom offer lessons.
American String Teachers Assoc - great web for string teachers.
MusicStaff - search engine for teachers.
Resources for teachers - nice stuff in here
Suzuki Teachers - info regarding teaching the Suzuki method.
Mimi Zweig's Approach to Violin and Viola Teaching - Josh Bell was quoted as saying Mimi Zweig's is a powerful and wide-ranging learning tool. I encourage string students and teachers to immerse themselves in it. I am convinced that the great wealth of knowledge she offers will be as beneficial and inspiring to you as it was to me in those important early years of my violin study.

Sheet Music:

University Music House - comprehensive sheet music store located in Columbus, Ohio but they will ship anywhere.
Sheetmusic Plus - comprehensive source for all kinds of music and all instruments with good prices.
Shar Music - these people have many wonderful books available for study.
ABE - used and out of print books available here.
CD Sheet Music - printer friendly sheet music on CD.
Frank Music - nice selection of music featuring different editions.
Icking Music Archive - online sheet music resource.


You Tube - A list of violin vodeos I created on you tube.
Amazon Videos - a list of videos available in the US, look for volumes 1 - 4.
Kultur - offering videos by such greats as Oistrakh, Kogan, Mintz, Szeryng, Perlman, Zukerman, Freidman, and Stern. They are worth every penny so get them all while you still can!
Shar Music - has videos of Ricci playing the Paganini Caprices and the Dvorak Concerto, an incredible recital performed by Aaron Rosand, The Indianapolos Violin Competiton, Galamian Masterclasses, Heifetz Masterclasses, and Gingold Masterclasses. Great stuff! I don't think you can get them anywhere else.
DVD4Music - Brittish shop online specializing in music DVDs
Berkshire - Francescatti DVD (plays Beethoven concerto) in the Q Disc set of 8 CDs in here. - Rostropovich/Richter, Milstein, Oistrakh, Beethoven triple with Barenboim,Ma,Perlman,Berlin PO, Rubinstein Heifetz & Piatagorsky, and Kogan DVDs available here, this is a Canadian based company offering DVDs you cant get in the US.
Amazon Japan - The following are only available in japan, I heard they charge alot for shipping so please ask questions before you buy but they have Ivry Gitlis (plays Bach) and Perlman (plays Tchaikovsky) in here.

CD Shops:

Amazon - the best online CD shop I have found mostly because they offer sound clips, reviews and information about the contents of a recording and preformers. Also check Amazon Z shops for used and rare recordings and books.
CD Choice - has many CDs that are hard to find, once you know what you are looking for.
HMV - another CD shop that offers many hard to find CDs.
Harold Moores - Brittish CD shop that will ship anywhere, many hard to find CDs here.
Arkiv Music - another great classical cd shop.
Tower - great selection here also.
Ebay - perhaps the greatest resource for rare and out of print materials.
CD buying guide - my Amazon page complete with my reviews and lists of CDs I fully recommend.
Berkshire - has some hard to find recordings at low prices.
Microkosmos - this is the place to look for old school rare vynil recordings.
Classical Collector - another fine cd shop specializing in vintage classical recordings.
Ars Antiqua - still another fine cd shop specializing in vintage classical recordings.
DOREMI - many rare and unreleased historical recordings here.
Peter Biddulph Recordings - many more rare and unreleased historical recordings here.
CD BBQ - online shop that buys LPs and converts them to cd for you, rare recordings but very expensive.
Deutsche Grammophon - German classical label.
Dynamic - Italian label offering many world premere recordings.
Universal Classics - classical on Deutsche Grammophon, Decca, and Phillips labels.
Sony Classical - great classical recording label.
Angel Records
EMI Classics
Arbiter Records - released rare recordings by Huberman and Morini, thanks!
Testament - offers many recordings that have not been available for many years.
The Strad - offers many rare cds not available elsewhere including "The Mirale Makers" where the same music is played on different famous violins to display the differences in tone, played by Oliveria.


ABE Books - many used, rare, and out of print books here.
Montagnana Books - more used, rare, and out of print books here.
Albris - still more rare and out of pring books here. - still more rare and out of pring books here.
Violin Encyclopedia - great violin encyclopedia on cd.
Amazon - my guide to books available at Amazon (look for volumes 1 - 6)
The Strad - offers many great books on playing and practicing.
Amati Books - more fine books here

Gifts and Collectabe Stuff

Gross Music - many rare photos, etc
Music Autographs - more rare autographed photos
Montagna Books - rare photos and oop/rare books here.
The Music Stand - musical accessories and gifts
The Violin Case - some really neat gift ideas in here.
Violin Clock - makes a great gift!

Online Radio Stations:

WOSU - classical radio station you can listen to on the web.
WDAV - more classical streaming on the web.
WQXR - still more streaming classical music on the web.

Violin on TV:

Live From Lincon Center - telecasts you can view (and videotape) on PBS.
BRAVO - cable channel, keep your eyes glued to this schedule because I have seen many great performances on here.
Great Performances - PBS show that features many different performing arts performances.


The Strad - THE magazine for violin enthusiasts!
Strings Magazine - not as good as The Strad but still worthwhile...
Adante - magazine for all things classical.
FanFare - great classical music magazine online
BBC - nice classical based magazine.
Fiddler Magazine - discussions on all things fiddle.


The Strad Magazine - endorses these prints of many famous violins. I personally own many of them and they are wonderful elegant and classy prints that make a great gift especially when framed.

Violin Players:

World Violinist Links - links for almost every major violin performer.
David Oistrakh - my favorite recorded violin player that I have ever heard, played with unsurpassed beauty and phrasing and a wonderful tone.
Kyung Wha Chung - my favorite living violinist, plays with stunning phrasing, musicality, and completely effortless technique. Many of her recordings offer a fresh perspective of the violin repitoire.
Arthur Grumiaux - Belgian poet of the violin, a violinist's violinist. His interpretations are faithful to the score, never overstated, and always full of warmth and emotion while never lacking in technique. His teacher was Dubois, who studied with Ysaye.
Michael Rabin - my favorite virtuoso, the one who originally made me want to play the violin in the first place. When you hear him play you will not believe the speed and precision of his technique but he also played with deep warmth and feeling.
Leonid Kogan - my other favorite virtuoso, his recordings are hard to find and I treasure every one.
Itzhak Perlman - this man needs no introduction, he plays with incredible emotion, beauty and color.
Henryk Szeryng - a master of timing and great phrasing, many of his recordings of even the most difficult works remain unsurpassed. This man is truly peerless to me, easily one of the top 5 soloists of all time.
Gil Shaham - the most incredible golden tone I have ever heard from any violin. Amazing warmth and beauty in his playing and only in his early thirties.
Hilary Hahn - Time Magazine labelled her the best young violininst and I am with them. Her violin has an incredible sound and even though she is in her early 20's she plays like she is 50+ years old.
Jascha Heifetz - a true prodigy and virtuoso in every sence of the word. His technique was flawless even in old age. It is hard for me to imagine how the violin repitoire would be different without him as he set new standards for performance and transcribed many great works.
Anne Sophie Mutter - seeing her play is like watching an angel sing. She recieves much criticism for her unique and personalized interpretations but that is why I like them, she has something unique to offer.
Vadim Repin - my favorite living virtuoso: staggering virtuosity and heartfelt musicality with an awesome tone and flawless intonation.
Ilya Kaler - this great violinist was a pupil of Leonid Kogan, he has incredible feel and effortless technique.
Elmar Oliveira - the only American to ever win the Tchaikovsky Competition, when you hear him play it will obvoius why.
James Ehnes - best Paganini since Rabin, his Bach is equally stunning. Anyone who can play Bach and Paganini like that should be heard. His Bruch proved he is is a real musician/artist and not just a calculated technician.


Vitali - the Chaconne he wrote is one of the earliest pieces of music written for the violin I am aware of. This is a website that discusses the Vitali Chaconne, a powerful work with intense beauty.
Corelli - wrote many great compositions for the violin including his version of the "La Follia" variations. Vitali and Corelli are the among the first poineers of the violin, of course they both came before Paganini.
La Follia - interesting website discussing the history of these variations.
Antonio Vivaldi - also known as "The Red Priest" must have been an incredible violinist and basically invented the concerto form. His series of concertos "The Four Seasons" are way too intense to describe. He was a big influence on Bach and vice versa. Of couse he came before Paganini.
JS Bach - the greatest figure ever in musical history. His sonatas and partidas for solo violin are the bread and butter of any serious violinist, perhaps the most important literature ever written for the instrument.
Handel - wrote many sonatas for the violin with accompanyment.
Telemann - wrote several violin concertos and many great and enjoyable chamber works.
Tartini - his sonata in G minor "The Devil's Trill" is one of the best sonatas written for the violin and is one that I am most fond of. I also enjoy his concertos very much.
Locatelli - Paganini's main influence, also known as "Paganini of the baroque", his Concertos Op3 "The Art of Violin" are wonderful and the cadenza/caprice to concerto seven is said to be the one piece that inspited Paganini's Caprice #1, with the bouncing bow technique.
Locatelli 2 - more about this great virtuosos/composer.
Mozart - a incredibly influential and key musical figure in the history of music who was born with an undeniable god given talent who dealt primarily with pure melodies and simplicity that captured the ear of the common man even though he was completely genius, imagine completing an opera at age 13! I see Mozart as the end of Baroque and the beginning of the Classical era in music. He composed 16 operas, 15 masses, 49 symphonies, five violin concertos, 27 piano concertos, eight concertos for wind instruments, 26 string quartets, 42 violin sonatas, 17 piano sonatas and many profound chamber works including string duos, trios, quartettes, quintettes, and many other formats of timeless beauty.
Haydn - was an incredibly prolific composer! Although some of this works may have been lost, he wrote at the very least: 108 symphonies, and a seemingly endless amount of chamber music including 83 string quartets. He also wrote three concertos for the violin and several string trios. Haydn and Mozart were friends and they once played chamber music togather that they wrote. Imagine Haydn playing violin and Mozart on Viola.
Haydn and Classical Era - essay about the classical period.
Schubert - wrote the wonderful fantasie and grand duo for violin and piano, also several violin sonatas and other incredible chamber music works.
Viotti - worte 29 concertos for the violin, I read that Paganini played a Concerto for two violins by Viotti played with the then-renown violinist LaFont. His 22nd Concerto is still considered an important part of the violin literature. I believe Viotti also had a huge influence on Paganini.
Beethoven - wrote so much great music, I didn't like all of it but what I did like is fantastic. He was easily one of the most important and prolific composers of all time.
Beethoven Violin Concerto - tied with the Brahms as the greatest violin concerto of all time.
Beethoven Violin Concerto Pt2 - more info on this awesome work!
Niccolo Paganini - it is the consensus of violin fanatics that he was the greatest ever. His music was a revolution, everything he wrote was nothing less than brilliant. When you hear his music you will understand why they said "Paganini begins where reason ends."
Paganini Web 2
Wieniawski- the greatest violinist who wrote for the virtuoso that came after Paganini. His composition "Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 15" is one of the greatest ever written for the violin. The Scherzo-Tarantelle Op16, Etude-caprice Op18/4, Legende Op17, and Polonaise Brillante Op4 will simply leave you shaking your head in awe and disbelief, awesome showpieces! His second violin concerto will make you shudder it is so intense.
Wieniawski 2
Joachim - basically made the Beethoven Concerto popular after everyone stopped playing it. He wrote a great concerto and was heavily involved with the phenominal music of Brahms.
Sarasate - also came around after Paganini, many of the greatest works ever were written for him including Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole, Saint Saens Introduction/Rondo Capriccio and Violin Concerto 3, and Bruch's first violin Concerto. Of course he wrote many incredible works for the violin himself.
Sarasate 2
Sarasate's Zigeunerwisen - one of the greatest pieces ever written for violin.
Beroit - phenominal violin composer, I love his "Scene De Ballet" and Concerto 9. There are many other works he wrote that are fantasitc but no one knows about or plays, how sad.
Vieuxtemps - also came after Paganini and studied with Wieniawski: his concertos are so wonderful, the "Fantasia Appassionata, Op 35" is also one of the best ever written. His Concerto 5 was written for a violin competition and is so wonderfully orchestrated and full of soaring melodies and awesome virtuosity requiring sensitivity and effortless technique. I am also terribly fond of the second and fourth concertos.
Brahms - wrote music of incredible beauty and substance. It is my opinion that his violin concerto was the greatest most robust concerto ever concieved, it's themes are works of timeless beauty full of emotion, romance and a sence of mystery. The three violin sonatas are hevenly and his contibution to the FAE sonata is some of the best music ever written.
Brahms Violin Concerto - Joachim had a big role in advising Brahms about the violin parts, this concerto is so powerful and elegant, a true warhorse that requires considerable maturity and mastry of the instrument before being performed.
Mendelssohn - actually played violin and wrote his own bowings, wrote some of the best music ever. His violin concerto is probably the best known of all of them. He wrote several violin sonatas, incredible string quartettes (maybe the best of all of them), and tons of great chamber music including the phenominal octet written at age 16, wow!
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto - info about this great work.
Tchaikovsky - one of my favorite composers. He was a true definition of a tortured artist. He wrote many compositions for the violin with profound beauty: the violin concerto, valse sentimentale, and serenade melancholique to name a few.
Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto - it truly takes a great soloist with a great deal of control and sensitivity to make this sound good.
Bruch - I am terribly fond of his violin concertos, actually everything I have heard was so beautiful. This is a composer anyone can easily fall in love with for sure.
Schumann - worte several sonatas and a concerto for violin, his chamber music is so lush and romantic, such beauty love and joy in his music.
Dvorak - I love his violin concerto, the violin sonatina op100, and chamber music absolutely fantastic in his unique czech ways.
Dvorak Violin Concerto - more info on this great concerto.
Faure - his impressionistic violin sonatas are terribly profound, maybe the best ever written. His chamber music is miraculous.
Franck - alot of people think he write the best violin sonata ever, his chamber music is fantastic.
Saint-Saens this man is totally mind boggling from the violin concertos to the violin sonatas to his transcriptions of chopin for violin and piano. He was himself a pianist who understood the potential of the violin with piano. His chamber music is also fantestic.
Strauss - wrote an incredible sonata for violin and piano, certainly one of the best ever written.
Glazunov - wrote a violin concerto with a melody so hauntingly beautiful that it is impossible not to fall in love with, such beauty can not be described.
Sibelius - Finnish composer who was himself a violinist, of course he wrote one of the most important violin concertos in history that I am terribly fond of.
Sibelius Violin Concerto - more info on this great concerto.
Sibelius 2
Lalo - composed the awesome Symphonie Espagnole, a violin concerto written for Sarasate. This concerto is what inspired Tchaikovsky to write his own. The Lalo is my favorite concerto ever written.
Ravel - was totally unique, I have never heard anything like him before or after. His composition "Tzigane" is undeniably fantastic, some of the best ever written for violin for sure.
Chausson - his composition "Poeme" for violin and orchestra was written for Ysaye is so emotional and full of drama.
Ysaye - violin giant, probably the greatest violinist ever recorded. Many great works were written for him including Chausson's Poeme and the Franck Sonata for Violin and Piano. He made many staggering transcriptions and his sonatas for solo violin have their own distinct sound.
Ysaye 2
Kreisler - it is impossible for me to describe the importance of this man's contribution to the violin. He made his own arrangements of many works that people continue to play to this day. His compositions are intensely lyrical and so is his playing style. This man truly had the ability to speak with every note when he played.
Prokofiev - wrote incredible music for the violin with intense and pure melodies and undeniable originality including two concertos, two sonatas, and tons of wonderful chamber music.
Prokofiev Reviews
Shostakovich - wrote two sonatas and two concertos for the violin and many important chamber works.
Bartok - one of the most important modern composers for the violin including two violin concertos, two sonatas, two rhapsodies, a solo sonata, dutes for two violins, and many many chamber works.
Devils and Angels - an essay by violinist Andrew Manze.
Violinist Composers
Violin Composers 2
Composer Index
Classical Composer's Archive
Classical Music Pages
Classical Composer's Database
Composer Links
Composer Photos
Composer Links2
Composer Links3
Baroque Composers - great web for my farvorite music, Baroque!
New Composer's Webring - join up if you have some music to offer.

Violins, Bows, Strings, and Accessories:

Southwest Strings - best prices on violin strings.
Stradavari School
Stradivari Society
Amati Trust
Guaneri 2
Paganini's Guaneri - maybe the most famous of all violins!
JB Vuillaume
GB Guadagnini
Lara's Guadagnini
Alden Lee - cabinets, music stands and other elegant musical oriented furniture.
Glasser Bows
Coda Bows
Arcus Bows
Discount Violin Bow Seller
Pernambuco Bows
Pernambuco Bows2 - Pernambuco and brazilwood takes 80 years or more to grow. "Pernambuco" wood is named after the state in Brazil where it grows. it actually is a variety of brazilwood, and many people do consider it to be higher in quality than other species.
Guillaume Rosin
Bow Hair
Smithsonian - info about Strad, Guarneri, Amati, Vuillaume, Gagliano, etc.
Joseph Curtin
David Palm - great maker of affordable violins who can be reached at
Scott Cao Violins - makes great copies of famous expensive violins.
Scott Cao 2
Paul Harrild - great violin maker and luthier who also makes copies of famous instruments.
Samuel Zygmuntowicz - Made a copy of Isaac Stern's Guaneri that sold for $115,000, an unheard of amount of money to be paid for a modern instrument. He may be contacted at his workshop: 475 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Telephone & Fax: (718) 636-4671 Email:
Zygmuntowicz Interview
Fiddle Brite - for polising your violin.
Maestronet - listing of violin makes and dealers.
Peter Biddulph - well known violin collector and seller.
Bein and Fushi - well known violin dealer and luthier service.
Tarisio - auctions many famous violins and publishes many photo books full of them.
Ishfin - another leading seller of old and new violins.
Varnish - interesting article on varnish for the violin.
Electric Violins - check out these babies!
Wood Violins - Mark Wood is a great rock/jazz violinist who make great and interesting electric violins.
Wildstrings Bows - have a bow made with your choose the color of hair, stick, and thumb piece of your choice.

Violin in Columbus Ohio:

The Loft Violin Shop - basically the only violin shop in Columbus Ohio, where I live. They hand make violins and stock used ones also in addition to any accessories that you might need. They can also provide you with a list of teachers for any stringed instrument.
CSO - I try to see The Columbus Symphony Orchestra as often as possible and support their great art.
Pro Musica - orchestra for chamber music in Columbus.
Classical In Columbus - impressive listing of classical in Columbus.
WOSU - 89.7 classical radio station in Columbus Ohio and on the web.
Encore Music Studios - offering lessons in Columbus.
Columbus Music Academy - another organization offering lessons in Columbus.
Academy Of The Arts - still another organization offering lessons in Columbus.
Chris Howes - phenominal jazz violinist who plays in Columbus and abroad. I like to see Chris play in Paul Brown's band most of all. He has several CDs for sale and sound files available at his website.
Columbus Library - no they dont have violins at the library but they do have hordes of violin CDs and sheet music, many of wich are rare and out of print. Materials can be reserved online and you can have them delivered to a library nearest to you!
University Music House - sheet music store in the Beechwold/Clintonville area on High Street, next to The Loft Violin Shop.
OSU School of Music - events calendar for The Ohio State University, 2 blocks from my house. Great way to keep up with recitals, many of which are free.
CAPA - one of America's premier presenters of national and international performing artists and classic films.
Otterbein - calander of events for the music school, great place to see recitals and attend lectures in Columbus.
Capital - another prestigious music school in Columbus where you can attend recitals and lectures.
Columbus Pages - listing of events in the arts for central Ohio. - another listing of events in the arts for central Ohio.
Columbus Arts - yet another listing of events in the arts for central Ohio.
GCAC - still yet another listing of events in the arts for central Ohio.
Indianapolis Violin Competition - it's not in Columbus and not even Ohio but it's not too far and is a great event to go see.
Cleveland International Piano Competition - well it's not Columbus and it's not violin but it is worth going to go see and it is in Ohio.
Ohio Music Education Association - always worth attending for free concerts and a haealthy display of instruments and talent.


About Me

A student of music, life, and collector of great musical recordings, I have been a musician since 1983: studying theory, composition, and works for the violin, piano, and guitar. I began teaching, performing, and composing in 1987. In 1995, I became a computer programmer by trade (not choice) because it was a more lucrative career for me. I made this page for myself to have one centralized place to naviagte all violin webs I am interested in.

My violin is a Scott Cao Artistic Series Model STV-850: Artistic Recreation of Paganini's Il Cannone (Cannon) Violin from 1743.

Recently, I have started an online journal documenting my violin thoughts and experiences

One day I hope to give recitals containing music entirely composed by me, with some other composers mixed in. My dream and the essence of my existence is to write music with substance for the violin.

For me, music is about romance. Therefore to fully understand the violin is to fully understand romance: the sadness of a tear, the beauty of a woman, the joy of a love, anger, jealousy, and the full range of emotions that go with being human. Playing music is about expressing this dynamic contrast of emotions, therefore a good interpreter is able to communicate with a sence of emotion and dynamics. These emotions translate so well through the violin without having to say a word.

Like any serious musician, I am a hopleless romantic and try to never stop learning and growing. This is a photo of me from 1991:

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