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Posting .gifs

· To post .gifs on the chat boards and on your own web-site, you first need to 'collect' them.

· Place your mouse pointer over the .gif that you want and right-click your mouse, a box will open up and you will click on 'save image as'

· You can save the .gif in either 'my documents' or some other directory on you Hard Drive, you could make a file called 'pixs' and save everything there in your computer.
Also you can save any photos that you scan or upload from a digital camera in the same file.

Be sure to save them as a .gif or a .jpg as a BMP (Bit maps) can NOT be used on web pages and need to be converted to either .jpg or be seen.

.From here on you will be working between two locations on your computer, the first location is where you have your .gifs stored and second in your free web-page which has to be set up.

· The .gifs that you have collected need to placed in a 'Directory' at a free web-site like at Angelfire or SpreeorGeocities at Geocities you can up-load 20 images at a time.

· You can use the directory to store your .gifs that you have collected while the site is under construction.

Your page does not have to be completed.

· First you need to 'name' your site, they give you different addresses to start with and then you add your name to it . ie; I chose /oh/ to begin my web address and ended it with /sweetnss/ as that is my e-mail name and it is easy to remember.

· You will be asked for a password, make it something that you will remember easily and be sure to write it down.

· When you 'login' to your site you will be given different 'templates' to choose from to start you web-page, and you can pick different colors for your backgrounds and your text. Just pick the colors that you like and type in some information. ie; This is my new web-page, it is under construction so please be patient. :^)

· You can add photos and images in the future so you do not have to complete the page all at once.

· Now you have a web-site or web-shell with a 'Directory' that you can keep all your .gifs in that you have collected and stored in your computer in 'My Documents' or where ever you have saved them at.

· You need to up-load the images from your computer to the Directory on your web-site using the 'Browse' feature, there is a white box with 'File Upload' click on the 'browse' button (see below pic.) and you will see a box open up on the screen. Click on the arrow to find 'My Documents' or where ever you saved the .gif at and then look for the .gifs that you have collected. ( if you do not see them, make sure that you have the bottom of the box set for "All Files" )

File Upload:

Upload: Netscape 2.0, Explorer 4.0 or higher version.
Enter a filename to upload, or Browse to it, then click Upload File

If you do not see a Browse button, your browser does not support HTTP file uploading
and we recommend you upgrade your browser. Alternatively, you can upload your files using FTP.

· When you locate the correct .gif (click on it) and the name of the .gif will appear in the 'file name' window in the bottom of the box then click on the Open button and then 'Up-Load' button in the 'Up-load' only one time and you will then be told if the .gif was successfully up-loaded to your directory.

· When the .gif is successfully up-loaded you then can place the address of the .gif on your web-page or on the chat boards.The URL (address) has to end in .gif or .jpg to be seen.

· An example of a .gif that I use quite often is the butterfly that I like to post on my sites. The address or URL for that is

The easiest way to make sure you don't leave anything out of the address or URL is to 'copy and paste' the address to the chat board. You would click on the address in the Location box of your browser to 'highlight' it then go to edit on your browser and click on 'copy' you would then click in the message box in the chat room and then go to edit again and then paste, the address would then be there.

· That is the address for the .gif you then have to add <img src= in front of the URL and close it out with >

· It would then look like <img src=>

· That image source URL would then show an animated butterfly flying across the box of the chat board or on your web-page.

· The most important thing is to keep trying and go slow, if you don't understand it right away, take a break and try again....once you 'get' it there will be no stopping you...:^)