
Hi! Welcome to my web page. This site is always under construction,
so be sure to come back often and see what's new!
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It'll mean the world to me!
Miami Trace Seniors Section!
Meet my pet ferret, Ike!
Meet Bill and Bert!
Remember French class?
Click here for pictures of the Miami Trace Gymnastics Team!
You are visitor number
since July 1, 1998
Gimme e-mail! NOW!
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Check out these links.....
4-H Kidders 4-H Club - my 4-H club!
My mom's web page!
Liz Meredith's Web Page
Crystal and Brandy's Web Page
Ryan French's Web Page
Jimmy Clawson's Home Page
Vanderbilt University - the college I am attending
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Page created by Tabitha Taylor
Please contact: tabitha14@visto.com