I Mother Earth

This is a page dedicated to yet another great Canadian Band! Last year they\ switched lead singers, so they didn't really do too much touring or anything early this year. This kinda slowed down their craze in Canada. But with the new singer they're currently working on a new album,which should bring them way back up there again! It's also been announced that they will be playing during Summersault '98 which takes place in Eastern Canada during late August '98.

Currently the bands members include:

Brian Byrne- Lead Singer (the new guy)
Bruce Gordon- Bass
Christian Tanna- Drums
Jagori Tanna - Guitars

The old lead of the band was Edwin(last name is like, top secret)

I don't have any pics of Brian yet :( But I hope to get some up here soon!

Currently they have released two albums (both with Edwin) and one mini album (also w/ Edwin). They include:

Dig- '93 Mini Album- '93 Scenery and Fish- '96

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