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Bigfoot Books, Videos, Cassette Tapes and More!!

Ordering Information

The drawing above is how the cover of the book will look. The font will be a different style.

The Sasquatch Triangle Revisited -- This is a revised edition of the original work titled The Sasquatch Triangle which was first released in 1987. In this revised publication, you will read about sightings such as...

A young woman riding her horse near a cemetary in the winter when she spots a Bigfoot walking through the woods...

A young woman who swerves to miss something standing in the road that she first thought was a person, but as she approached learned it was a Bigfoot type creature. As a result of swerving to miss the creature, she looses control on a patch of rocks and totals her car and ends up in the hospital...

Two young men working clearing weeds out from under power lines spot a red eyed Bigfoot one day. They leave the area in a hurry and tell their foreman about what they encountered, in which he responds "Don't worry about it, we see 'em all the time". This answer makes the men more uncomfortable and they quit their jobs the next day...

Three teenage boys doing what teenage boys do on a Saturday afternoon, hiking, spot something on the other side of the Tuscarawas River south of Newcomerstown they never expected to see. A Bigfoot pulling leaves off a tree and eating them!

These are just a few of the nearly two dozen sightings that are chronicled in the book. There are also nearly 30 cases of track discoveries chronicled in the book as well. It is 79 pages in length, has many hand drawn maps and drawings of what people claimed to have seen, and it has many never before published newspaper articles (never before published by me that is) dealing with the phenomenon in this area. It also has a four and a half page index of places and people in the back of the book.

The book should be available on or around March 1'st, 2001. You may place an order by sending a check or money order, payable to Don Keating, to the address at the end of this web site. The price is $13.50 including priority shipping. Orders outside of the U.S. should contact me for shipping charges first!

The above artwork is what appears in the video cassette holder that you recieve when you order "Sasquatch Lake... The White Bigfoot Video".

Not since the October 20'th, 1967 filming of a bipedal creature in northern California, has another film surfaced and stood on its own. Not until now. Don Keating of the Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Investigation Center in Newcomerstown, Ohio accidently captured the image of a light or white colored bipedal creature of some sort, in Coshocton county, Ohio on August 2'nd, 1992.

Keating was by himself on this warm Sunday afteroon taking what he called 'b roll' footage of what is now known as Sasquatch Lake. Unhappy with the angle of which he was shooting, he decided to reposition himself for a better angle of the lake. As he walked briefly to the south with his camcorder on his shoulder facing the west, and as he momentarily stopped to turn around, it was then that it happened. The creature or "individual" (Keating's prefered term) walked hurridly down a gravel road. Keating had no knowledge of what he had captured on film for 17 1/2 months.

After hours of field work on the film and on the tape at home, Keating came to the following conclusions....

1... It covers 28' in four steps;
2... It covers the 28' in less than two seconds;
3... The individual was about 292 feet from the camera on the far side of the gravel road;
4... From several field tests with several different researchers, it has been determined the individual is between nine and 10 feet tall and...
5... NO ONE to this day has been able to prove the video contains something other than an "unknown creature".

Keating has produced what he calls "the final video documentary" dealing with this one of a kind film. It is being made available to the general public for the modest price of $18.50. In the film you will see video of the now famous "Sasquatch Lake" as well as a good look at what Ohio's topography is like and you will see Don Keating and Daniel Perez from the Center for Bigfoot Studies measuring several different spots at the 'film site' step by step. You'll also see an experiment conducted on April 9'th, 2000 with many attendees of the Annual Bigfoot Conference, to see if the feat in the original video could be duplicated. And finally, you will see several different outtakes of the original film taken on August 2'nd, 1992.


By Richard J. LaMonica, Akron, Ohio

It is said, the majority of the most fascinating and truly great, discoveries, are done by amateurs, and more often than not, by accident. Don Keating's film, of an alleged "White Bigfoot" would fit neatly into this category. On the eventful day of August 2nd, 1992, the world 's cryptozoologists came one step closer to solving the elusive puzzle of this unknown phenomenon. For those who possess an adventurous spirit, Don Keating invites you along for an exciting ride into the realm of Sasquatch Lake: The White Bigfoot Video. You will go on a non stop adventure into the backwoods of Coshocton county, Ohio. You will witness the video of this "White" creature as no one else has before. In addition, you will see how this film "measures" up, to other alleged filmings of this elusive creature. Joining Don are The Center For Bigfoot Studies Chairman Daniel Perez, Peggy Tillman, and sister Veronica Burchette, both well known anomaly researchers. If you think Ohio cannot support this type of creature, then viewing this film may change your mind.

Accidents do happen, and sometimes they re-write history as we know it. Don't miss out on an important discovery, one which may very well turn the anthropological / science world upside down. Sasquatch Lake: The White Bigfoot Video... It's STILL out there!

Paolo S. from Italy has this to say about the film "Sasquatch Lake... The White Bigfoot Video"...

The video cassette "Sasquatch Lake...The White Bigfoot Video" is very interesting, it's very fine from the artistic point of view owing to the beautiful images it holds and the enclosure is first-rate. The shot showing the white being is very interesting and struck me a lot and certainly, owing to the survey you carried out at the sighting place, it can arouse to the observer a big interest in the Sasquatch.

The Ohio Sasquatch Recordings -- This 26 minute and 23 second audio tape or compact disc was produced by Don Keating with the intent to allow listeners to hear some of the most interesting sounds picked-up on audio tape since he began research in July of 1984. The biggest part of the tape is a one-on-one interview with Sasquatch researcher Richard J. La Monica of Akron, Ohio. Rich re-counts his sighting of early 1988 in Guernsey County, Ohio near Kimbolton which took place in the late evening while driving a produce delivery truck. He then had encounters with odd sounds and a track discovery in 1993 in Guernsey County. These events led to his ultimate recording of sounds similar to 'language' of an unknown entity. The recording has been studied by professionals and to this day, no solid results!! This 'speech-like' recording is on the tape. Overall four different sounds are played for the listener many times over. This product is available for $6.00 including p/h. for the cassette or $13.50 for the C.D.

Fortean Times magazine says this about the recording....

"Ohio is not the first place that springs to mind at the mention of Sasquatch; the big beast traditionally befouls the air of British Columbia and the Northwest U.S. The Ohio woods, though, do produce plenty of sightings -- and, as this recording shows, hearings. Producer Don Keating has assembled here an interview with Bigfoot witness Richard La Monica and three purported Sasquatch vocalizations. All of the Bigfoot sounds are brief, and are repeated several times for easier appreciation. The first, collected by La Monica, is an odd gibbering that sounds somewhat like human glossolalia.The other two, from Keating, feature distant howling. Keating makes no claim that these disturbing noises do, in fact, come from Sasquatch, which is as it should be. It's an intriguig little document, modestly priced. If you have any interest in this peculiar and thorny subject -- or, like myself, simply enjoy gibbering and howling -- you can find further information at their web site".

This newsletter is published on a monthly basis by Don Keating. It is available to anyone in the United States at the cost of $10/1 year or $18/2 years, or Internationaly at the cost of $15/1 year or $25/2 years.

Order this product, as well as the others on this page from....

Don Keating
Post Office Box 205
Newcomerstown, Ohio

For information on discounts for p/h rates or bulk orders, e-mail Keating. Payments must be made by check or money order and made payable to Don Keating. Thank you for your interest and may the foot be with you.

Please respect the fact that all images are copyright © 1999-2001 Don Keating and may not be re-produced without express written consent. Thank you for visiting this page.