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Noel Cemetery

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Oscar N. 1850-1930

Absolom born January 27, 1803 died September 30, 1856

A. not dated chiseled by hand

Alpheous son of Jacob and Lucerita born March 11, 1810 died December 8, 1859

------ son of Alpheous and Oliva V. died February 23, 1854 age 4 yrs 3 months 29 days, stone broken. ( this is probaby Thurman W. Noel born October 25, 1849)

David died April 21,1868 (David was the son of Phillip Noel and Susanna Putnam)

Nancy, wife of David died August 20, 1868 (Nancy Morgan born Morgantown, Va. November 22,1806)

Henrietta R., daughter of Aaron Noel and Rhoda P. Severns, born March 11, 1872, died May 10 or 19, 1872

Susannah, consort of Absalom Feb. 19, 1803 died Feb. 3, 1855

Mary M. daughter of Absolomans Susan died August 20, 1835 in her 4th yr.

Mary Jane Fenton April 1838- Jan 13, 1922

Estella J. daughter of JO and MJ died November 23, 1867 age 4 yrs 5 months 16 days

Nancy C.? daughter of JO and MJ died August 29, 1864 age 3 yrs. 9 monthes and 29 days

Milton F., son of JO. and MJ. died Feb.4, 1867 age 1 yr. 5 months 22 days

Catherine A., wife of Aaron, born May 19, 1814 died Feb. 25, 1864

Margaret Jane (Miller?), daughter of Aaron Noel and Catherine A. Orms, born Feb. 6, 1853 died July 3, 1873

Josiah O. born April 17, 1835 died April 12, 1899 (son of Aaron and Catherine)

Nathaniel Milton son of Aaron and Catherine born March 08, 1833 died November 07, 1855

Aaron Thomas 1842- 1925 ( son of Aaron and Catherine Orms)

Oscar Brooks, son of Aaron and Catherine, born August 01, 1849 died July 24, 1853 3 yrs 11 months 25 days

Jacob Solomon son of Aaron and Catherine born April 20, 1847 died August 17, 1850

Elizabeth Susanna, daughter of Aaron and Catherine born October 13, 1844 died October 15, 1844

Oscar A. son of Ezra H. and Louisa died October 13, 1846 age 27 days

Eliza Jane daughter of Solomon Noel and Mary M. Huston born June 28, 1831 died March 25, 1850 stone broken

Josephus Aaron, son of Solomon and Mary M. died November 14, 1845, age 3 yrs 6 days

Solomon died June 30, 1842, age 47yrs. 8 months 19 days ( son of Philip and Susanna, wife Mary M. Huston)

Joseph Peter, son of Solomon and Mary M. died May 10, 1847, age 16 yrs 5, months 24 days

Jacob Putman son of Solomon and Mary M. died October 14, 1835, age 1 yr. 9 months 15 days

Philip died April 12, 1849 age 84 yrs 4 months and 11 days ( This is the son of Johannes Noel. Philips wife was Susanna Putnam)

Susanna wife of Philip died October 11, 1851 (Putnam)

Elvira, daughter of John and Mary, born August 18, 1822, died November 20, 1853

Josephus July 22, 1834- August 6, 1834 son of I and M. ( Possibly Isaac and Mary?)

Jefferson G. December 4, 1832- September 9, 1833

Mary A. March 16, 1807-March 3, 1895 (Possibly daughter of Isaac and Mary)

Isaac March 27, 1800-January 08, 1837( Son of Philip and Susanna)

John died September 5 or 15, 1837 in his 58th yr.( Son of Peter Noel and Sophia Good

Mary, wife of John died May 31, 1843 in her 50th yr. (Mary Dysart)

Jefferson C., son of IM died September 9, 1833 19 months 5 days

Elias Voleny, son of James and Elizabeth born September 26, 1834 died September 30, 1841

Francis W. son of James and Elizabeth, born December 29, 1838 died September 12, 1840

Josephine E. daughter of James and Elizabeth born January 22, 1836 died September 06, 1838

Robert Harrison, son of John and Ann died August 15, 1826 Drowned in the Scioto River age 9 yrs. 11 months 4 days

John, son of Philip and Susanna born November 27, 1788 died March 31, 1837 age 48 yrs. 4 months 13 days

Elijah, son of Philip and Susanna died September 02, 1812 age 6 months 1 day

Lucinda, daughter of Jacob and Lucretia died March 2, 1823 in her 15th yr.

Col. Jacob, died June 7, 1828 in his 50th yr.( son of Peter and Sophia)

Lucretia, wife of Jacob, died July 11, 1852 age 67 yrs 4 months 21 days (Hitchcock)

Joseph D. son of Peter and Susannah died March 25, 1836 in his 30th yr. wife Polly

Orms, Catherine daughter of NM died September 09, 1822 age 14 months

William P., son of Nathan and Margaret born Feb. 18, 1841 died March 7, 1841

Margaret, wife of Nathan daughter of Philip and Susannah Noel
