Estimation Station
Each week put some objects in a jar and let the students
record their estimates of the number of objects in the jar. At
the end of the week tally the guesses on the board. The child
closest to the correct number can bring items in for the next
week. If that child has had a turn he/she can choose a child that
hasn't had a turn.
Pumpkin Seeds
Students will examine a pumpkin and make several estimations
based on the number of lines around it, its circumference and
the number of seeds it has.
* Display the pumpkin. Have students estimate the number of vertical
lines on the pumpkin, and record their estimations on chart paper.
* Count all of the lines with the class and record this 'actual'
amount. Whose estimation was most accurate? * Trace your finger
around the circumference of the pumpkin, and explain that this
is the circumference. * Label the pieces of paper with the titles
"too short", "just right" and "too long".
* Get children to cut a piece of string based on their estimate
of what will be necessary to go around the pumpkin. * Have each
child come up with their piece of string and let them try to wrap
it around the pumpkin. * Place a piece of tape on the end of their
string, and let them tape it to the appropriate paper- "too
short"... * Cut out the top of the pumpkin and have students
come up, lookinside, and estimate how many seeds are in it. *
Record estimations.
* Gut pumpkin, dry out seeds, and count them the next day with
the class. Whose estimate was the closest?
Pumpkin Books
Pumpkin Pumpkin, Jeanne Titherington, Pub. Green Willow
The Mare's Egg, retold by Carole Spray, Pub. Camden House,
Use potatoes. First put them in a sack and we play guess what
is in the bag. Children may only ask yes and no questions. Then
once they have guessed we begin by describing them. Looking at
the details .How are they alike and what makes each one different.
Then each child can estimate how much their potato weighs. We
then weigh it. Discuss whose is the heaviest/lightest. We use
yarn to measure how round it is. Then at the end of the week we
decorate,using yarn, eyes, and material, the potatoes turn into
people. This is a fun way to end the unit.