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SS. Boris & Gleb Logo
SS. Boris & Gleb Logo
SS. Boris & Gleb Logo
SS. Boris & Gleb Logo
Dome of SS. Boris & Gleb Cathedral

1416 W. 57th. St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44102
Phone & Fax: (216) 961-9873
A parish of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church
of North & South America

Tryzub-Ukrainian Trident

Ukrainian Flag United States Flag

Welcome to our parish webiste. The links below will introduce you to our Cathedral and its liturgical and pastoral life.

Metropolitan STEPHANArchbishop MICHAEL

Metropolitan STEPHAN Archbishop MICHAEL

Coat of Arms of Archbishop Michael
Pastoral Staff.

The Holy Table where the Lord's Supper is celebrated at the Divine Liturgy
Schedule of Services.

Logo of the Holy Year 2000
Mission Statement of our Cathedral Parish.

A Magnificient Ukrainian Church in the Byzantine Design
Weekly Bulletin Online.

St. Nicholas of Myra, Patron of our people
Current Programs & Activities.

Directions to SS. Boris & Gleb Cathedral
Maps & Directions.

The Mother of God of Pochaiv, Ukraine
Main Website of our Metropolia.
(With links to more information and photos.)

Tryzub-Ukrainian Trident
Ukrainian Links.

Eastern Christian Link Swap Banner

Member: Eastern Christian Link Swap

Tryzub-Ukrainian Trident

"Liturgical Music Background "This is the Day the Lord has made~Sej den jehozhe sotvori Hospod'" provided through the courtesy of
David M. Mastroberte"

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