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Order Information

For bookstore/library orders, please view our terms here. All other customers, please view our ordering information below:

We have set our site up to accept payment through PayPal. PayPal allows us to accept credit card payments (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express) and checking/savings account payments directly on a safe server. Since we only accept cash and checks/money orders (US only) through mail orders, we ask that those of you who prefer to pay via credit card use PayPal to send us payment. Our new shopping cart feature will automatically create a checkout environment in PayPal and create an account for you on PayPal if you don't already have one (it is free to use PayPal for payments).

If you use PayPal for your order (which we prefer and recommend), you need not send us any additional emails or letters to send us your order. But if you choose to pay with cash or mail us a check/money order (US only), the following information should be carefully noted to ensure you receive your merchandise timely and correctly:

Shipping and Handling

Please use the following chart to determine the shipping and handling charge that must be added to the order.
If order totals: $0.01-$5.00, s/h is $1.00
If order totals: $5.01-$10.00, s/h is $2.00
If order totals: $10.01-$25.00, s/h is $3.00
If order totals: $25.01-$50.00, s/h is $4.00
If order totals: $50.01-over, s/h is $5.00

We will invoice shipping/handling fees if you do not add them into your total.

In the USA:

All items are sent through the USPS or UPS for larger orders. Payment is accepted in cash (US funds) or check/money order drawn on a US bank (made payable to Via Dolorosa Press). We also accept payment via PayPal (all major credit cards accepted) to Items are usually mailed within 3 days of receipt of the order, but please allow at least 3 weeks for delivery.

Outside of the USA:

All items are sent through the USPS via Airmail. Payment is accepted in cash (preferably US, but we also accept Canadian, British, or Euro currency with the proper exchange rate) or in check/money order drawn on a US bank only, payable to Via Dolorosa Press. We also accept (and prefer!) international orders made through PayPal in US funds (all major credit cards accepted) to Items are usually mailed within 3 days of receipt of the order, but please allow at least 4 weeks for delivery.

For all orders not made through PayPal:

Please print clearly what it is you are ordering. We use the "vdp" code (or "nb"/"ess" code) to locate the books, so make sure that is on your order form. A description of the book is helpful if you have bad handwriting. If you somehow overpay us or if something is out-of-stock, please note that all change will be given via VDP coupons, unless you specify otherwise.

Send all mail orders to:

Via Dolorosa Press
701 East Schaaf Road
Cleveland, Ohio

We appreciate your interest in and support of our press. Please email us if you have any questions about ordering that were not addressed on this page.