You Can Be Shapely Too
Weight Loss Medicine


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Green Tea
Soy Extract

If You Want to B Shapely 2, then try MegaSoy Extract!

The Healthy Benefits of SOY PROTEIN Include Weight Reduction

One of the hottest building products around is Soy Protein Extract, which is high in anti-cancer isoflavones such as geinstein. Many studies have shown that soy can help prevent various forms of cancer, including breast and prostate cancer by inhibiting cell proliferation. Soy also contains phytoestrogens that can lessen the symptoms of menopause without increasing the risk of cancer. What few people know is that soy also boosts thyroid hormone levels, which helps reduce weight by enhancing energy production.

To stress the point: Soy boosts thyroid hormone levels which helps reduce weight.

One mechanism by which soy reduces blood fats is by boosting thyroid hormone levels. Studies show that thyroid hormone literally burns up LDL cholesterol globules in the blood!

Because of the numerous documented health benefits from soy intake, The Life Extension Foundation suggests that anyone seeking to lose weight safely through dieting take 6-to-30 grams a day of soy protein concentrate. Soy protein not only boosts thyroid hormone to burn sugar calories, but also contains an amino acid complex that helps spare the body’s protein stores, which are often broken down in response to dieting. The phyto-estrogens and essential fatty acids in soy further help to promote weight loss.

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