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Josh's personal quotes

"It's hard to say 'no' to good people. My bottom line is that movies come and go, but your self-respect is something you can keep forever. I'm jusy trying to be selective."

It's the same system as far as popularity goes. Being on top, rising or falling, the rumor mill. It's high school for the big boys...and girls. (Hollywood similar to high school)

I was so naive. I thought I'd go to Hollywood, make a million bucks, then move to Paris and paint. Then I realized it's not that easy to do things the way you want to in Hollywood- or even to do them at all.

No, we never dated. We're pretty good friends, but we never dated. Somebody got a picture of us up at Sundance. We were hanging out like friends do. (On Julia Stiles romance rumours)

That weight stayed on my shoulders for quite a while after the movie. I'm glad that's over, to tell you the truth. It was a pretty tough time, but I guess when it comes down to it, that's what you've got to do, in order to make the character really breathe. (his dark charcter in O)

Kate Beckinsale: "Josh is such a gentleman, and was terribly freaked that he was fooling around with somebodys mother" (Kates daughter was nearby when Kate and Josh were filming the love scenes for Pearl Harbor

"Australian girls are merciless, they just throw themselves on you."

"‘Here on Earth’ reminds me of John Steinbeck’s East of Eden," "It has that kind of earthy tone, and the characters all have some conflict they’re going through."

"You know what? I'm really attracted to British women,There's something innately proper about them. However badly they behave their accent is so cute that it makes up for everything."

" I'm not really the pumping-iron type. I'll shoot some hoops, but you'll never find me in a gym."

"I'm quiet, and I don't enjoy watching horror flicks, so am I like Zeke? No way,"

"I don't think there's a problem with being a teen idol," he says. "If that happens to me, I'll be happy to deal with it."

"I'm looking forward to the excitement that comes with sharing your life with one person, instead of throwing it all out to the wind or keeping it all to yourself," "But I couldn't handle it at this point, I'm too immature."

You know what? I'm really attracted to British women," he whispers. "There's something innately proper about them. However badly they behave their accent is so cute that it makes up for everything!"

"Well the first night we met, we all got totally trashed and stayed up all night talking about everything from relationships to existence. Then at about 5am we went swimming in this lake..."

"There were all those beautiful actresses from The Faculty and we were too shy to take of our trousers! You know, everyone was really timid on that set for a while. In fact, we were pretty lame all in all. And yet on screen we were meant to be defying aliens and getting all Samurai with paper slicers."

"I play Zeke, who's the coolest guy in school. He's super-smart but a classic under-achiever who opts out and sells homemade drugs from the trunk of his beat-up car, and basically has fun riling all the teachers."

"Misunderstood! I was born on 21st July so I'm on the cusp, but I reckon I'm way more Cancer than Leo. I guess people perceive me as eccentric. In my daily life I try not to live how normal people live. I love to do my own thing."

"The thing is I can't separate me growing up over the past two years from me being in the movie business because it's all happened at the same time. It's a funny thing with these Hollywood starlets though. You see them on the screen and you expect them to float into the room on a cloud, wearing something floaty and diaphanous, and speaking perfect poetry! And it's just not like that."

"I'm looking forward to finding someone in life that I can be truly happy with and relate to on all levels - someone I can bounce my stuff off. Right now, though, I'm not searching for that. I couldn't possibly handle it at this point. But I still like knowing it will be out there sometime later"

"Hope is the most exciting thing in life and if you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will."

"You know, I'm not really any good at working out when people are flirting with me. And I think I'm too flirtatious with people I'm trying not to flirt with! What I am good at is making people feel uncomfortable. I don't want to but it always ends up happening!"

"I'm very 'spur of the moment'. I'm always trying to think of fun things to do to create a memory."

"Well, on my 18th birthday I wanted to take a road-trip and go as far as I could in my old beat up white Ford Taurus. I called up my girlfriend and we left with no plans other than to drive out into the country and just hang out. We ended up at this awful chinese cafeteria with hyper-fluorescent white lighting which was enough to make anyone sick. The food was really bad. I don't eat meat and everything had chicken in it. I got ill but we got in the car and just kept going. We didn't return home for a couple days - it just seemed like the right thing to do. When we eventually got back her parents were very upset. I mean very upset."

"Well, I'd been clashing with my dad for years. There was always a lot of friction when I was a teenager and wanted to leave home. It didn't get to fist-fights, but it came close. I remember being really mad at him when I was about fours years old and I said, 'When you're old and crippled and can't walk - and I'm older and stronger and healthy - I'm going to pick you up and dump you in the middle of the street and just leave you there!'"

"Not any more. About a year or so ago we were having a great conversation and for the first time I said, 'Dad, I'd probably never drop you in the middle of the street you know.' And he took it as a great compliment!"

"Amazing. It's like I'm viewing my family with new eyes. Everyone had grown in a different direction since I left but I can see that it really works for them and we are all happy as a family

"My dad once told me (probably to get me to do something!) that life is a series of problems and the joy comes in fixing them and not letting them mount up. I'm not that good at sorting out my problems - sometimes they get me down and I end up buying into them. There is nothing really that bad about my life, but everyone has problems and if you don't have those great huge problems, you'll make your own because it's human nature to be unsatisfied. What I've realised is that if you're open to it, life can be so god damn beautiful."

"I don't know whether I'm blessed or cursed,"

"I didn't get to go through that starving artists' bit. I missed that world. They get to bixch all the time. It's fun."

"The clubs here are pretty boring. People are checking each other out all the time. It's just a big game." Well, there was that incident at Planet Hollywood. We were donating a jacket from The Faculty, and first they announced Usher--and these girls just started screaming. Then they announced me, and I figured they weren't even going to know who I was, but they went crazy, which was pretty cool. Of course, later on the same trip, we were somewhere else and the same thing happened when they announced Usher--but nobody said a word when I came out."

"My friends and I make short films. We pretended to rob the Dairy Queen where our friend worked, but someone thought we were real thieves and called the cops! Soon, the cops burst in with guns drawn!"

"Ever since Poltergeist terrified me when I was 12, I can't watch horror films," he says. "I'm a real wuss."

"We made 16 episodes of Cracker and I loved doing the show, but unfortunately no one was watching us."

"It's not scary to make a horror film because you get to pull back the curtain and see that none of it's real. When you're watching one, the terror bombards you."

"It's tough when in between takes they yell, 'Cut!' and everybody's going about their business and nobody thinks to uncuff you," "When I got out of there, I had no more skin on my wrists. . . [or] dignity!"

"Be honest with yourself and lie to everyone else."

I'm quiet, and I don't enjoy watching horror flicks, so am I like Zeke? No way,"

"I felt like I was under water, like I couldn't breathe People were closing in asking for autographs and I sensed danger, but how do you defend yourself against an autograph?"

"I should be getting photographs of me with my arm around these people like restaurant owners do, because eventually I am going to have to prove to my kids that once I was an actor!"

"It came down to two of us. I had to go in and read, then he went in, then I went in again It was nerve-racking. I was up for 'The Postman' [which opens December 25], and I read for it a couple times, but the casting lady told me I was too tall for the part -- taller than Kevin Costner."

michelle williams on josh "My H20 co-star, Josh the best! I loved working with him. He's a great actor and not a bad kisser!"

"You could say I'm that way, too. Neither of us likes authority figures much. But we're also different- he loves Guns N' Roses, and I'm into more bluesy music, like Tom Waits."

"Well, maybe. But the first scene we shot was of me sitting on the toilet, talking on a cell phone- not too sexy!"

"My style changes depending on the character I'm playing. I'll find something that I really like about the way he (character in Here on Earth) dresses--like these softball shirts. I've been wearing them a lot."

"I think I'm pretty understanding. Relationships are so complicated though. When I'm with a girl, I'd rather talk about her than me. I'd rather know more about her. I already know about myself. If she wants to know about me, I'll tell her about me. I can be quite open..."

"It's about sex," Hartnett says. " That's it." (About his movie Town and Country)

"No. I don't have a very good body. Some of those guys work out every day. I work out maybe once a year, so they've got me beat." (would you take your shirt off for a scene) * DAMN *


It's a tough job. It's a really tough job when you have to work with somebody who is just repulsive to look at. Somebody has to do it. I tell you, I mean, you have to wear blinders to be able to look at a face like that. No, Josh is great and a really, really sweet, sweet, fun guy to be around. - Michelle Williams on Josh

"Well people think I was born in San Francisco, which is not accurate. I don't know where that comes from. I might have said something near that at some point. Like my mom lived in San Francisco, but I wasn't born there."

"My character is the cool Camaro-driving, feathered-hair guy," says Hartnett. " He's kind of the mysterious outsider, but everybody accepts him because he's so freaking cool. He's certainly not troubled. He's like a happy dog."

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