Welcome to the Young Sisters Committee Puzzle Challenge!

Ok, so you're probably wondering what the Puzzle Challenge is. Well, everyone who signs up will get a puzzle piece to place somewhere in your website. Once everyone signs up, each sister participating in the Puzzle Challenge will receive a list of URLs to start visiting and search for pieces and a blank board that will look something like this:

Each sister will then have to search through each website to find her puzzle piece. Once she finds one she'll need to copy it and paste it onto her board into the correct slot. The first one that you can place on the board will be the piece you will put on your page. Here's a sample of what the finished board will look like:

A few quick things to mention:
First, be careful when selecting your color preference. This is so you'll get a puzzle piece that will show up easily on your background. For example, if you have a light background, request a dark piece. If your background will go with anything, select "No Preference".
Second, if you will have problems copying and pasting, let me know. We will work something out for you so you can participate.
Third, if more than 18 people are interested, the first 18 who sign up will receive pieces, but all may participate (the 18 will just have a one-piece advantage b/c they have the one from their own page already). Also, if you can't place a piece on your page for some reason, you can request the list of URLs only and just search for all the pieces.
The first sister who e-mails Sister Liz and attaches her completed board will receive an award to place on her webpage. There are only 18 pieces available, so if you want to participate, fill out the form below and submit it by September 10th! All pieces must be in place and have their location verified no later than September 12th so the game can begin on the 13th. Good luck!

Sign up!