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Jimmy will be coming some monday soon!

Got to Margaritavillein Key West Florida..... but if you can't go to his site instead. Sign up for the Coconut Telegraph!


Go to my site to view his cds, thier covers and buy them! There is a link that should take you back here.
Check out my homepage Make sure you see all of my site, and to do so, you'll want to go to my Links Page where all of my pages are listed.
Remember, if you experiance any probs with this site, I probably don't know about it. I am not perfect at html, so occasionaly pics and links won't work.
if you have any problems. Or even any suggestions. The music is a new thing I added. I am not sure if you can run it unless you have the software, which is free and located at Liveupdate It is about 1 MB.