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Psychic Experiences

  • Stories of the paranormal

    I have had psychic experiences every since I was a child. I want to tell you a few of them now. When I was in the service; "Navy" I was stationed overseas on a little island called Diego Garcia.

    While I was on the island my wife was here in California pregnant with my daughter. I had a dream on day while on Diego Garcia that my daughter was with me and my wife back in California and me and my wife was playing with her. now when my daughter was born she looked exactly like she did in my dream.

    August 31, 1999 I've been fasting away from meat and meat products for 3 weeks now and I've had some severe spiritual responses at times from this endevour. some days people respond to me very negitive and other days very kind. I know that the negitive times are coming out of me. There's also this part between awake and sleep that wierd things have happened. Like hearing my Sisters voice in bed with me and she lives in Indiana and I live in California. I won't list them all right now but it suffices to say that wierd things do happen in this state of awareness between awake and sleep. I know that I was given a mission in this life, but I can't remember what it's about.

    I've had several experiences in regards to time. When I would get up and look at the clock on the wall It would say one thing and a few minutes later it would be hour or two later. Once I woke up in the middle of the night facing the wall. I needed to go to the bathroom. So I get up and go downstairs and the alarm clock says 1:38am and I go to the bathroom and next thing I know I'm waking up in bed. It was only a dream, but I need to go to the bathroom so I get up and go downstairs and the alarm clock say's 1:38am in the morning so I go to go in the bathroom and I end up in bed facing the wall.Now mind you this was getting a little old. Kind of like," Groundhog Day" only with me at home trying to go to the bathroom. I still needed to go to the bathroom my kidney's was screaming at me. I get up and go downstairs and the alarm clock say's 1:38am and I go into the bathroom and then go back up stairs and go to bed.

    Another thing having to do with time is something that I still can't explain. I was working in Beverly Hills for an answering service and I was scheduled to work on sunday starting at 8am. I got up at 6:05am and made me a cup of coffee and a bowl of top ramen. I ate the bowl of soup and drank the coffee real quick and got dressed and left for work at 10 minutes till 7. Mind you I don't like doing that...I mean getting up and dressed and go out the door without drinking at least 3 cups of coffee. but I had to go to work. I went down to Wilshire Blvd and Alvarado to catch the Rapid Transit bus. I cought the bus at 7:05 and got to Beverly dr. at 7:26. this left me with a little over 30 minutes to get 4 blocks to where I worked. I walked down to the Coffee Bean on the way and went in and ordered a large dark roast coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I set down and inhale the sandwich and took a couple of sip's of the hot coffee. and left to walk down 1 1/2 blocks to work. I get to work at about 3 minutes till. I went up to the 2nd floor where the answering service was and went in and noticed someone moving around in the back. I go back there and a co-worker was back there reminding me that I was supposed to be there at 8:00a and I said yes I know, but it's only 3 minutes till. She said to me, "It's 9am" I thought to myself what are you talking about? I looked at the clock on the wall & it said 3 minutes till 9 and I looked at my watch and it was 9:00 too. I was thinking that maybe my clock at home might have been wrong, but it wasn't and my watch wasn't wrong either. There is an hour missing that I can't explain.

    Thank you for visiting my webpage, I tell you more at a later date. last day I updated this page is 02-16-03

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