Site hosted by Build your free website today! Happy 2nd Birthday:.

Wow! Two years already, it so doesn't seem like that long. This page has changed alot in two years, mostly postively, and hopefully it will continue to do so. In honor of the birthday I have put up the first midi that I ever used on this page, the first midi I ever heard in fact, Auralite. I got it back when the editors used to offer a choice of putting music on your page so I am not sure where you can get it now or if you even can still. Thanks so much to all of my wonderful visitors, you guys are great and I thank those of you who take the time to sign my g-book the most because I love reading you comments! I have been working hard on this site as well as my others and I have now launched my cosplay shop and am taking orders, you may visit my shop here Cosplay Princess> Please sign my guestbook before you leave and thanks again for visiting! Until next edition!
*Love and Strawberries*

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updated 04.21.01

The current mood of Sailor Web Mistress < sleep??? >
Girl Genius Moody: A Site Clique