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Name: Flame
Age: 11
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 23 LB.
Interests: Spicey foods,pokemon Fighting,Day Dreaming about evolving,talking to Pidgeotto,Just hanging around VERY hot places
best at cooking

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Name: Squirty
Age: 6
Height: 2'1"
Weight: 17 LB.
Interests: pokemon Fighting,Day Dreaming about evolving,talking to Pidgeotto and Charmander,Just hanging around VERY wet places,swiming
best at backstroke

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Name: Chirpy
Age: 2
Height: 1'1"
Weight: 3 LB.
Interests: pokemon Fighting,Day Dreaming about evolving,talking to Squirtle and Charmander,Just hanging around VERY high places,Flying
best at divebombing bugs

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Charmander's Top 10 Pokemon Sites
Charmander's Top 10 Pokemon Sites

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TM01-Mega Punch-Mt. Moon, Celadon Dept. Store TM02-Razor Wind-Celadon Dept. Store, Game Corner TM03-Sword's Dance-Saffron City/Silph Co. TM04-Whirlwind-Route 4 TM05-Mega Kick-Victory Road, Celadon Dept. Store TM06-Toxic-Fuchsia City-Pokémon Gym TM07-Horn Drill-Celedon City, Game Center TM08-Body Slam-Vermilion City/S.S. Anne TM09-Take Down-Saffron City, Celadon Dept. Store TM10-Double Edge-Game Corner TM11-Bubble Beam-Cerulean City/Pokémon Gym TM12-Water Gun-Mt. Moon TM13-Ice Beam-Celadon Dept. Store TM14-Blizzard-Cinnabar Island TM15-Hyper Beam-Game Center TM16-Pay Day-Route 12 TM17-Submission-Victory Road, Celadon Dept. Store TM18-Counter-Celadon Dept. Store TM19-Seismic Toss-Route 25 TM20-Rage-Route 15 TM21-Mega Drain-Celadon City/Pokémon Gym TM22-Solar Beam-Cinnabar Island TM23-Dragon Rage-Celadon City TM24-Thunderbolt-Vermilion Gym TM25-Thunder-Power Plant TM26-Earthquake-Saffron City/Silph Co. TM27-Fissure-Viridian City/Pokémon Gym TM28-Dig-Cerulean City TM29-Psychic-Saffron City TM30-Teleport-Route 9 TM31-Mimic-Saffron City TM32-Double Team-Fuchsia City, Celadon Dept. Store TM33-Reflect-Power Plant, Celadon Dept. Store TM34-Bide-Pewter City/Pokémon Gym TM35-Metronome-Cinnabar Island/Pokémon Lab TM36-Self Destruct-Saffron City/Silph Co. TM37-Egg Bomb-Fuchsia City, Celadon Dept. Store TM38-Fire Blast-Cinnabar Island/Pokémon Gym TM39-Swift-Route 12-Lookout Station TM40-Skull Bash-Fuchsia City/Safari Zone TM41-Soft Boiled-Celadon City TM42-Dream Eater-Viridian City TM43-Sky Attack-Victory Road TM44-Rest-Vermilion City/S.S. Anne TM45-Thunder Wave-Route 24 TM46-Psywave-Saffron City/Pokémon Gym TM47-Explosion-Victory Road TM48-Rock Slide-Celadon Dept. Store Roof TM49-Tri Attack-Celadon Dept. Store Roof TM50-Substitute-Celadon Dept. Store HM01-Cut-S.S. Anne HM02-Fly-Route 16 HM03-Surf-Fuchsia City/Safari Zone HM04-Strength-Fuchsia City HM05-Flash-Route 2 here is a list of all the pokemon there numbers and when they evolve

#1 Bulbasaur at Lv. 16 becomes Ivysaur! #2 Ivysaur at Lv. 32 becomes Venusaur! #3 Venusaur-NO EVOLUTION! #4 Charmander at Lv. 16 becomes Charmeleon! #5 Charmeleon at Lv. 36 becomes Charizard! #6 Charizard-NO EVOLUTION! #7 Squirtle at Lv. 16 becomes Wartortle! #8 Wartortle at Lv. 36 becomes Blastoise! #9 Blastoise-NO EVOLUTION! #10 Caterpie at Lv. 7 becomes Metapod! #11 Metapod at Lv. 10 becomes Butterfree! #12 Butterfree-NO EVOLUTION! #13 Weedle at Lv. 7 becomes Kakuna! #14 Kakuna at Lv. 10 becomes Beedrill! #15 Beedrill-NO EVOLUTION! #16 Pidgey at Lv. 18 becomes Pidgeotto! #17 Pidgeotto at Lv. 36 becomes Pidgeot! #18 Pidgeot-NO EVOLUTION! #19 Rattata at Lv. 20 becomes Raticate! #20 Raticate-NO EVOLUTION! #21 Spearow at Lv. 20 becomes Fearow! #22 Fearow-NO EVOLUTION! #23 Ekans at Lv. 22 becomes Arbok! #24 Arbok-NO EVOLUTION! #25 Pikachu needs a Thunder Stone to become Raichu! #26 Raichu-NO EVOLUTION! #27 Sandshrew at Lv. 22 becomes Sandslash! #28 Sandslash-NO EVOLUTION! #29 Nidoran(female) at Lv. 16 becomes Nidorina! #30 Nidorina needs a Moon Stone to become Nidoqueen! #31 Nidoqueen-NO EVOLUTION! #32 Nidoran(male) at Lv. 16 becomes Nidorino! #33 Nidorino needs a Moon Stone to become Nidoking! #34 Nidoking-NO EVOLUTION! #35 Clefairy needs a Moon Stone to become Clefable! #36 Clefable-NO EVOLUTION! #37 Vulpix needs a Fire Stone to become Ninetales! #38 Ninetales-NO EVOLUTION! #39 Jigglypuff needs a Moon Stone to become Wigglytuff! #40 Wigglytuff-NO EVOLUTION! #41 Zubat at Lv. 22 becomes Golbat! #42 Golbat-NO EVOLUTION! #43 Oddish at Lv. 21 becomes Gloom! #44 Gloom needs a Leaf Stone to become Vileplume! #45 Vileplume-NO EVOLUTION! #46 Paras at Lv. 24 becomes Parasect! #47 Parasect-NO EVOLUTION! #48 Venonat at Lv. 31 becomes Venomoth! #49 Venomoth-NO EVOLUTION! #50 Diglett at Lv. 26 becomes Dugtrio! #51 Dugtrio-NO EVOLUTION! #52 Meowth at Lv. 28 becomes Persian! #53 Persian-NO EVOLUTION! #54 Psyduck at Lv. 33 becomes Golduck! #55 Golduck-NO EVOLUTION! #56 Mankey at Lv. 28 becomes Primeape! #57 Primeape-NO EVOLUTION! #58 Growlithe needs a Fire Stone to become Arcanine! #59 Arcanine-NO EVOLUTION! #60 Poliwag at Lv. 25 becomes Poliwhirl! #61 Poliwhirl needs a Water Stone to become Poliwrath! #62 Poliwrath-NO EVOLUTION! #63 Abra at Lv. 16 becomes Kadabra! #64 Kadabra needs to be traded to become Alakazam! #65 Alakazam-NO EVOLUTION! #66 Machop at Lv. 28 becomes Machoke! #67 Machoke needs to be traded to become Machamp! #68 Machamp-NO EVOLUTION! #69 Bellsprout at Lv. 21 becomes Weepinbell! #70 Weepinbell needs a Leaf Stone to become Victreebel! #71 Victreebel-NO EVOLUTION! #72 Tentacool at Lv. 30 becomes Tentacruel! #73 Tentacruel-NO EVOLUTION! #74 Geodude at Lv. 25 becomes Graveler! #75 Graveler needs to be traded to become Golem! #76 Golem-NO EVOLUTION! #77 Ponyta at Lv. 40 becomes Rapidash! #78 Rapidash-NO EVOLUTION! #79 Slowpoke at Lv. 37 becomes Slowbro! #80 Slowbro-NO EVOLUTION! #81 Magnemite at Lv. 30 becomes Magneton! #82 Magneton-NO EVOLUTION! #83 Farfetch'd-NO EVOLUTION! #84 Doduo at Lv. 31 becomes Dodrio! #85 Dodrio-NO EVOLUTION! #86 Seel at Lv. 34 become Dewgong! #87 Dewgong-NO EVOLUTION! #88 Grimer at Lv. 38 becomes Muk! #89 Muk-NO EVOLUTION! #90 Shellder needs a Water Stone to become Cloyster! #91 Cloyster-NO EVOLUTION! #92 Gastly at Lv. 25 becomes Haunter! #93 Haunter needs to be traded to become Gengar! #94 Gengar-NO EVOLUTION! #95 Onix-NO EVOLUTION! #96 Drowzee at Lv. 26 becomes Hypno! #97 Hypno-NO EVOLUTION! #98 Krabby at Lv. 28 becomes Kingler! #99 Kingler-NO EVOLUTION! #100 Voltorb at Lv. 30 becomes Electrode! #101 Electrode-NO EVOLUTION! #102 Exeggcute needs a Leaf Stone to become Exeggutor! #103 Exeggutor-NO EVOLUTION! #104 Cubone at Lv. 28 becomes Marowak! #105 Marowak-NO EVOLUTION! #106 Hitmonlee-NO EVOLUTION! #107 Hitmonchan-NO EVOLUTION! #108 Lickitung-NO EVOLUTION! #109 Koffing at Lv. 35 becomes Weezing! #110 Weezing-NO EVOLUTION! #111 Rhyhorn at Lv. 42 becomes Rhydon! #112 Rhydon-NO EVOLUTION! #113 Chansey-NO EVOLUTION! #114 Tangela-NO EVOLUTION! #115 Kangaskhan-NO EVOLUTION! #116 Horsea at Lv. 32 becomes Seadra! #117 Seadra-NO EVOLUTION! #118 Goldeen at Lv. 33 becomes Seaking! #119 Seaking-NO EVOLUTION! #120 Staryu needs a Water Stone to become Starmie! #121 Starmie-NO EVOLUTION! #122 Mr. Mime-NO EVOLUTION! #123 Scyther-NO EVOLUTION! #124 Jynx-NO EVOLUTION! #125 Electabuzz-NO EVOLUTION! #126 Magmar-NO EVOLUTION! #127 Pinsir-NO EVOLUTION! #128 Tauros-NO EVOLUTION! #129 Magikarp at Lv. 20 becomes Gyarados! #130 Gyarados-NO EVOLUTION! #131 Lapras-NO EVOLUTION! #132 Ditto-NO EVOLUTION! #133 Eevee needs a Water Stone to become Vaporeon, a Thunder Stone to become Jolteon, or a Fire Stone to become Flareon! #134 Vaporeon-NO EVOLUTION! #135 Jolteon-NO EVOLUTION! #136 Flareon-NO EVOLUTION! #137 Porygon-NO EVOLUTION! #138 Omanyte at Lv. 40 becomes Omastar! #139 Omastar-NO EVOLUTION! #140 Kabuto at Lv. 40 becomes Kabutops! #141 Kabutops-NO EVOLUTION! #142 Aerodactyl-NO EVOLUTION! #143 Snorlax-NO EVOLUTION! #144 Articuno-NO EVOLUTION! #145 Zapdos-NO EVOLUTION! #146 Moltres-NO EVOLUTION! #147 Dratini at Lv. 30 becomes Dragonair! #148 Dragonair at Lv. 55 becomes Dragonite! #149 Dragonite-NO EVOLUTION! #150 Mewtwo-NO EVOLUTION! #151 Mew-NO EVOLUTION!

Snorlax speed zone


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Nintendo®, Game Boy®, PokémonTM, are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc. © 1995, 1998 Nintendo/Creatures, Inc./Game Freak, Inc.

this many pokemon trainers came here starting on feb.18

what blobby can do

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need a good gift? get that person a book gust go to the gift center Gift Center

Hey all stop buy scv clefairys Web site it rocks!

Click here to go to see scv clefairy's Pokemon page
