Its a dark and stormy evening. Mom had a long hard day at work and she is not even looking forward to going home. Why? Because she knows the first thing she'll hear when she gets in the door will be, "What's for dinner?!?!" She can almost hear those obnoxious little brats whining and complaining, smell the cheap wiskey on her ungrateful husbands breath, and taste the bitter agony that is her life. Suddenly, a billboard along the road sheds new light upon the bleakness of her existence. Its a Hamuberger Helper advertisement. "What a great idea!" Mom says. She stops by the store on her way home to purchase that little box of powder and noodles with the gloved cartoon character adorning the cover. To the clerk scanning the item, its just another product, but to Mom, its a new age form of beef salvation. Heck, it may be wrong to consider it as such, but for this woman, it will get her to tomorrow.
Does this sound like your life? Probably not. That's a good thing too, because Hamburger Helper IS just some product. It can't save your life, bring you happiness, salvation, or even provide you with all the essential vitamins and minerals the government says you need. BUT, it does exist regardless, and you should at least know a little bit about it, if only to humor us at the Institute for Beef Related Product Awareness Corp., Ltd.