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Kinds of Witchcraft

There are folk who claim to be Hereditary Witches, with an unbroken family tradition, passed down through the generations by their ancestors from the ancient Pagan Mysteries; many of these do not consider their traditions Wiccan; some others have admitted that they only began using the term Wicca to describe their family traditions because what they'd read about Gardnerian beliefs and practices fit more or less closely with their own beliefs and practices. Hereditaries are also often referred to as FamTrad, or Family Traditionalists - a Tradition passed down within the family and hence by hereditary descent.


The witchcraft named after Gerald B Gardner is the dominant tradition in the world today. It has been subject to a lot of criticism and reinterpretation.

It centers on the worship of the Goddess and her consort, the Horned God. They are represented in the coven by the High Priestess and High Priest. Nature is honored as is the acceptance of all living things.

The belief of reincarnation is emphasized. Also the Wiccan Rede of harming no living thing is followed.

Eight seasonal Pagan Sabbats are also observed. Initiation into the coven is given by the High Priestess or High Priest.

You must enter the craft in "perfect love and perfect trust". This means you must trust you fellow coveners.

A man must be initiated into the coven by a woman, and a woman must be initiated into the coven by a man. The hierarchy has three degrees of advancement.

Tradition calls for advancement to be separated by a minimum of a year and one-day. Only a third degree witch may become a high priestess or high priest.

The high priestess is always the head of the coven. Rituals are performed within a magical circle.

The original tradition of the Gardnerian craft was to worship in the nude although most covens now worship robed. Another tradition is "scourging".

This is the light flogging of coveners with cords as a means of symbolic suffering. Many witches also practice tantric sex magic.


Alexandrian is named after its founder Alexander Sanders. Sanders is the self proclaimed "King of the Witches".

This craft is the second largest to come out of England. It has great emphasis on cord magic and ceremonial magic.

The worshipping is done in skyclad. The Alexandrian Witchcraft is strongest in Canada, but has gone into steady decline in the States and no longer has any association with its founder.


This tradition was founded in 1973 by Raymond Buckland and seems to have a slight Saxon basis. Buckland had been dissatisfied with the corruption and ego trips he saw in some covens and developed Seax Wicca to answer those concerns.

The coven is democratic in that its leader is chosen by election. There is no binding or ritual scourging.

Covens decide for themselves whether to worship clothed or skyclad. The rituals are published in The Tree : Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. The tradition is also open to anyone.

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