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For Potential Members

What is 4-H?

About the Buttoneers

What if I live outside Franklin County?

How do I get involved?

For Current Members and Parents

Who is My Project Advisor?


Club News

Club Awards


Are you into it?

National 4H Council

The National 4-H Web

Welcome to

4-H Mall

Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Franklin County Extension

Groveport Buttoneers 4-H

Groveport Buttoneers 4-H was formed as a club where members can take non-livestock projects (excluding small animals, rabbits, and poultry) and compete at the Franklin County Junior Fair in July. Members can belong to both Groveport Buttoneers and Groveport Work & Win 4-H and oftentimes do.

The meeting location for the 2001 4-H Year is being changed from the Groveport Town Hall.   The new location will be announced as soon as it is finalized.  Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Dates may change due to holidays and the place may change do to demonstrations/club size. Attendance at meeting is crucial. It’s hard to accomplish our plans when important people (our members) are missing. If the member is unable to attend s/he is expected to contact one of the advisors. Then we can make sure you don’t miss anything important.

Each member will need to give a short (2-3 minute) demonstration on each of their projects during the year and on their scheduled date.

Members will be assigned to bring a snack or beverage to a meeting. Please bring napkins or cups according to what you are scheduled to bring. Please don’t forget. There will be a bunch of hungry people mad at you!

There is a limit of two projects for 1st year members. More experienced members may take more if they feel they are able. We will be having mock judgings closer to the fair to help prepare you.

Initial project selection will be completed in January/February.

Dues will be decided at the first meeting and should be paid as soon as possible. Dues pay for books, awards, postage and materials throughout the season, and fair passes.

We will be having a fundraiser to help raise additional funds in the middle of the season (April).