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What if I live outside Franklin County?

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National 4H Council

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4-H Mall

Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Franklin County Extension

What if I Live Outside of Franklin County?


Adapted from appendix C of the Ohio 4-H Program Agent’s Handbook.

Talk to one of the 4-H advisor’s to get the appropriate forms.

Ohio State University Extension administer the 4-H youth development education program whose mission is to develop youth to reach their fullest potential as capable, competent, caring, and contributing citizens. Each county in Ohio conducts the 4-H youth development program to accomplish this goal.

In order to affirm Ohio Extension’s position concerning cross county 4-H membership and to establish guidelines in this area to fulfill the above mission, the following philosophy and process statements are provided.

  1. Youth are expected to affiliate with the program in their county of residence.
  2. Four-H membership in two counties simultaneously is not possible.
  3. It is recognized that limited situations may occur where membership in a county other than the county of residence might be positive. The agents in both counties must be in agreement that the change should occur. This agreement should be based on their professional judgment in accord with the opening paragraph of this policy.
  4. Consideration for membership in a county other than the county of residence should be given only in situations where a positive educational experience will result. Any change motivated by perceived competitive or sale advantage, any change due to controversial issues, or other similar motivations will not be seen as justified reasons for consideration for membership in a county other than the county of residence, and should be automatically rejected by the agents involved.
  5. Any consideration for membership in a county other than the county of residence, within the limits of this policy and not addressed by the above statements should be brought to the attention of the county chair, district 4-H specialist and/or district director.