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Home : Recipes : Vegetables : Kumro Chhechki





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Kumro Chhechki

Ingredients:(Serves 3)

  • Pumpkin (diced) 250 gms. (8 oz.)
    Gourd or squash may also be used.
  • Cooking Oil 2 tbsp.
  • Kali Jeera (Black cumin seeds) 1 tsp.
  • Onion (small) 1 no.
  • Green chili (sliced longetudinally) 2 nos.
  • Turmeric powder ¹/3 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste


Dice the pumpkin into long (about 1-1.5 inch) and fine pieces.

Heat cooking oil in full heat in pan. Add Kali Jeera and onion one after the other. Fry a little. Add the diced pumpkin before the onion starts getting brown. Stir well.

Add turmeric, salt and chili. Place lid on the vessel and cook under medium heat for 5 mins. Remove lid. Add sugar, stir well and replace lid again. Cook under low flame for 10 min. or till the pumpkin is cooked well.

Remove from heat and serve.

Nanz's Tips:
  • You might like to cut down on chili if you are not too comfortable with the heat.

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