My Favorite things .
- Sex
- Lies
- Video Tapes
- and licks
This is the only picture of me and my gramma together ever taken in are adult years,oh how i miss her...
this is after the wreck ,18ths worth of damage.
pic of me out side Dodd Hall.
My first try at walking.
Looks easy dont it?it wasnt.
Ok everyone wants to no about me,so this is what i have to tell.i'm almost 38 years old,on march 11,1990 around noon i was going to pick up my girlfriend,it had rained the night before an had washed a lot of the crushed gravel that they put on the side of the road,as i was coming around a curve doing 45mph ,i hit the gravel an had lost control of my brand new BMW that i had won from mtv in january,i went in to a ditch an as i was going down the ditch i was shot out like a canon across the other side of the road where i went in to a ravine,i came out of the sun roof on the first role and went 20ft through the air braking my kneck an back on a small tree.the car roled 3 times,i was found by my cuz (mark.rhineheart)where i was nocked out for about a minute.i was life flyed to grant hospital.where i spent one month before i was transfered to dodd hall at osu hospital where i spent another 5 months.

My Other Webpages
tina and family |
F.O.E. |
Pictures |
Diablo |
Chillicothe Rodeo Pics
My Favorite Web Sites
Poem to Mrs.Bfly |
HOK(diablo guild) |
Angelfire - Free Home Pages |

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bare with me.
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