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Team R.E.D.Reign's patented BPS meter (well, not REALLY patented)

1. stuff you need
2. putting it together
3. How to get Audio Drive (R)

1. stuff you need
1.1 A computer ( i bet you don't have one , do you?)
1.2 A microphone (the only thing that might cost you money, $10)
1.3 Audio drive ®

2. Putting it together
2.1 Ok , all you do is download the program, unzip it, then start audio drive.Start to record , and start shooting your heart out. Make sure that your gun isn't too close to your microphone. Take a shot and see if it's too close.
2.2 Once you are done shooting stop recording and delete the playback until your first shot. Count how many times you shoot in a second. It's not hard the only problem it's sometimes it's hard to see the wave form of loud guns. If that's the case just back up from the microphone I had no problem testing my Automag with 12"AA inside my house. NEVER use paintballs in your house. It will only mess up your walls and make your parents or landlord mad at you. Just use Co2 (or HPA)with out paint.

3. Getting Audiodrive for your computer
3.1 Thankfully I was blessed with Audiodrive coming with my computer . To all of those that don't have it ( probably only 1 of you have it ) click here Just go and download it and install it .

4.1 No real Comments I just hope you enjoy your R.E.D.Reign BPS meter if you REALLY enjoy it e-mail me : and give me any suggestions about it!! I enjoy suggestions (I never get mail just like 1 per week about Angelfire tips) And if you REALLY REALLY like it any donation would be fine my team wants to buy a cronograph . Maybe if I get enough donations I'll get Visual Basic or C++ and make my own BPS program. But that's for a later date.

Keep coming to our page it constantly changes !!!!!!

I know alot of you are saving up to get paintball gear so if you don't have any money to spare it's ok .

Thanks for your support!!!
Ben Schlichter Captian of R.E.D.Reign

Brandon Schlichter his brother

(It was with his mag we figured the bps meter out!) and steve our program beta tester ( I didn't pay him a dime).


I am not responsible for this program messing up your computer, by using this program, you agree to this. Besides, i'm just a kid!

Audio Drive a copyright of ESS Technologies all rights rserved 1996