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~*~*~*First Place! by Jill Knutilla (above)*~*~*~
~*~*~*UPDATE!*~*~*~ look who finally got off her lazy toosh and perservered her endeavor to make this the best darn Sailor Moon page on the net??? thats right. Me. Through all the cups of coffee its taken me to stay awake and fist fight with HTML and advanced editing, I am still keeping this page. I know, for those of you who have trailed into hate mail for how long its taken me to update, I am NOT the most prompt person in the world. But I've solved that. I now will be doing updates on a weekly basis. Every Friday, and maybe even less, will have a big huge chunk of supercool new stuff for you to check out. And guess what? I have finally added on. There is now a new domain for fanfiction called the Neptunes Mirror of Illusion, where there will be a library filled with tales by me and my best friend Sarah. We are accepting any creative help that you the reader can muster, and it will be greatly appreciated. There a couple other cool links for you to check out too, one of which is about me. Why you would want to learn about me only the world sickest space monkey knows, But it is filled with interesting tidbits. I hope you enjoy. May the goddess see you to your journey!***

I hope to hear from all of you! I am looking for a help on my HTML endevours at the moment, somebody who might be willing to help me with my page. If you would be willing to do so then please email me at


CONTEST RESULTS!!!!! THE CONTEST IS OVER!!! I have finally picked the winner! I have sorted through entries and entries, but I now have 3 winners for 1st 2nd and 3rd prize. click on Lunas mischief to see!.

*Neptunes Mirror of Illusion(NEW, fanfics page!)*

*Mad about Manga*

*Lunas mischief*

*My creations*

*Animated Gifs*

The *Absolute galaxy anime- s.t.a.r to the max!* SiteRing

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