JC Chasez

All you need to know about your favorite guy is right here!!! Full name: Joshua Scott Chasez Date of birth: August 8, 1976 Place of birth: Washington D.C. Hometown: Bowie, Maryland Parents: Roy and Karen Siblings: Sister: Heather, Brother: Tyler Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Height: 5'11" Shoe size: 11 Favorite Food: Chinese Favorite Drink: Water Favortie Movies: Indiana Jones 1,2,3, Star Wars Series, and Never Ending Story Series Favorite Actor: Harrison Ford Favorite Actress: Meg Ryan Favorite Model: Naomi Campbell Favorite Animal: Dog Favorite *NSync Song: "Giddy Up" Favorite Colors: Black, Orange, Blue Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Favorite TV Show: Friends, South Park Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers Pajamas: Calvin Klein Flannels Inside Info.: Jumped off a two story building(claimed it was the most dangerous and most stupid thing he has ever done). Sleeps with: Stuffed animals from fans Fondest childhood memory: Playing hide-and-go seek in the clean laundry basket. JC said he felt so safe in there with the clean smell. Biggest fear: Needles Tattoos: None(remember?: he's afraid of needles) Biggest Fan: Eileen (ME) My favorite quality of his besides his voice: cheekbones

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Official Site for *NSync
*NSync Mania (My WAY better site!!!)

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