An incident in connection with this Regiment is worthy of record here. It consisted of the capture of the Battle Flag of the Ninth Texas Regiment, by Orrin B. Gould, of Company G. The circumstances were as follows: The Rebels, in four close columns, were pressing with gallantry, amounting to recklessness, upon the Ohio Brigade, with the evident intention of breaking our line, when a terrible and incessant fire drove them back in utmost confusion. The Ninth bore down on the left center of the Twenty-Seventh Ohio, with their flag at the head of their column, and advanced to within six or eight yards of its line, when Gould shot down the Color Bearer and rushed forward for the Rebel Flag. A Rebel officer shouted to his men to save their colors, and, at the same moment, put a bullet info the breast of Gould. Thu the young hero was not to be thus intimidated. With the flag-staff in his hand and the bullet in his breast, he returned to his Regiment, waving the former defiantly in the face of the enemy. After the battle, while visiting the hospitals, Colonel Fuller found young Gould stretched on a cot, evidently in great pain. Upon seeing him, his face was instantly radiant with smile, and, pointing to his wound, he said: "Colonel, I don't care for this. I got the flag." The flag was sent by Colonel Fuller to Governor Tod, and is now among the War relics at the State Capitol. Gould's heroism was recognized in an appointment as Lieutenant.
JOHN W. FULLER, Merchant and Brevet Major General United States Volunteers, was born July, 1827, in Cambridge, England, and came to the United States with his father's family in 1833. His father was a Baptist Clergyman and a graduate of Bristol College, England. Ho personally superintended the education of his son, and to him the latter is largely indebted for whatever measure of success has been attained in his subsequent life. He passed his years of boyhood and earlier manhood at Utica, New York, where he came to be known as one of' the leading merchants of the City. His establishment being destroyed by fire in 1858, he closed his business there and removed to Toledo. Here he engaged in Book Trade, including both the sale and publication of Books, the establishment becoming one of the foremost in that branch of business. He was thus engaged, when, in April, 1861, the War of the Rebellion began. Being thoroughly in sympathy with the cause of the Union, and having to some extent cultivated a taste for the military profession, he "'as not long in identifying himself actively with the side of loyalty. His first service in the Union Army was in West Virginia, where for a short time he was a member of the Staff of Brigadier General Charles W. Hill, of Ohio. Under appointment of Governor Tod, he took command of the Twenty-Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry. That command served under Pope in Missouri, and joined General Hunter at Springfield, Missouri, about the 1st of November. In February, 1862, it formed part of the force under General Pope which drove the Rebel troops out of New Madrid, and in April following crossed the Mississippi and captured Island Number Ten, taking several thousand prisoners. It continued with General Pope until after the evacuation of Corinth by General Beauregard. In July, 1862. Colonel Fuller was placed in command of the "Ohio Brigade," which soon came to be classed with the most famous in the Western Army. This Brigade was constituted of the Twenty Seventh; the Forty-Third, Colonel Wager Swayne; the Thirty-Ninth, Colonel E. F. Noyes; and the Sixty-Third Ohio, Colonel John W. Sprague. At Iuka, this Brigade came to the fight only to see its close; but at the succeeding engagement at Corinth, it took so conspicuous and effective a part, that Colonel Fuller was specially commended by both General Stanly and General Rosecrans, and for such service was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. In December 1862, his command fought the Rebel force under Forrest at Parker's Cross Roads, Tennessee, driving him across the Tennessee River and capturing seven pieces of artillery amid 360 prisoners. In March 1864, General Fuller crossed the Tennessee by night, and at daylight captured Decatur, Alabama, which soon was strongly fortified. In the Atlanta campaign his Brigade was conspicuous at Resaca, at Dallas and at Kenesaw Mountain. Early in July 1864, General Fuller was assigned to the command of the Fourth Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, his command taking an important part in the battle at Atlanta, July 22d. In recognition of special service by him on that occasion, he was made Major General by Brevet. He marched with Sherman "to the Sea," and then from Savannah to Raleigh, North Carolina, where Johnston surrendered his command and the hostilities of the war ended. it is entirely safe to state, that the recognition and promotion of no Soldier from Ohio were more wholly due to merit of service in the field, than were those extended to General Fuller; while few commanded equal honors. His record is brilliant throughout, and it stands without occasion for excuse or apology, and wholly on its own merits. Upon honorable discharge from military service, he returned to his tome at Toledo, at once resuming mercantile life becoming the senior partner of the firm of Fuller, Childs & Company, one of the largest wholesale Boot and Shoe houses in the North west, which relation he held until his retirement from business, in 1888. He was appointed by President Grant Collector of Customs for the Miami (Toledo) District, in 1874, and re-appointed by President Hayes in 1878, serving for two terms of four years each. Politically, General Fuller is a Republican. In 1853, lie was married with Miss Anna B. Rathbun, of Utica, New York. Their children consist of three sons - Edward C., of Columbus; and Rathbun and Frederick C., of Toledo; and three daughters-Mrs. Florence, wife of Thomas A. Taylor; and Misses Jennie arid Irene, of Toledo. The Ohio Brigade held a Reunion at Columbus, October 3 and 4, 1878. Addresses were made by General John Beatty, General J.W. Fuller, Chaplain Eaton and General Wager Swayne. A dinner was partaken of, and toasts presented with responses by General M. Churchill, Captain W.H.H. Minton, Chaplain R.L. Crittenden and Captain R.K. Shaw. The latter had for his topic the "Union Soldier's Oath," and closed his response with an original poetical production, "The Union Soldier's Oath." A permanent organization was effected, with the following officers: President, J.W. Fuller Toledo; Vice-Presidents, Major James Morgan, Twenty -Seventh Ohio, Cincinnati; Captain W.H.H. Mintun, Thirty-Ninth Ohio, Athens; General Wager Swayne, Forty-Third Ohio, Toledo; Colonel Charles E. Browne, Sixty-Third Ohio, Cincinnati. Secretary, J.W. Thompson, Forty-Third Ohio, Chicago, Illinois. Treasurer, A.J. White, Thirty-Ninth Ohio, Cincinnati. From History of Toledo and Lucas County, by Clark Waggoner
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