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AMLA Lodge Directory

American Mutual Life Association

originally founded in 1910 as

Slovenska Dobrodelna Zveza
(Slovenian Mutual Benefit Association)

Page Created: June 4, 2000

Page Updated: August 3, 2003

©Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Gary L. Gorsha

Corrections, additions, updates to the Webmaster: Gary L. Gorsha

AMLA Lodge Directory
Lodge#Name of Lodge President's Name Vice PresidentSecretary's Name Treasurer's Name Recording Secretary Names of Auditors Other Officers Names    Contact  Information    Meeting Time and Location
1Slovenec AMLA Home Office
4St. Anne Emilee Jenko Madeline D. DebevecLillian Novak Delores Kraus Janet Krivacic Dorothy Stanonik, Ann Opeka Youth Coord: Emilee Jenko; Reporter: Lil Novak 11859 The Bluffs
Strongsville, OH 44136
Tel: (440) 238-9291
St. Vitus - Cleveland
5Napredni Slovenci Frank Stefe Edward Pecjak Frances Stefe Frances Stefe Harold Telich Joseph M. Chrzanowski DDS, Joe Zadel, Frank Steffe, Jr. 1482 Dille Rd.
Euclid, OH 44117
Tel: (216) 531-6109
3rd Sunday of each month @ 1482 Dille Rd., Euclid, OH 44117
6Slovenski Dom Joseph F. Petric, Jr. Walter Frank Theresa Avani Theresa Avani Joe Petric Joseph Verch, Dorothy Lamm Coord: Joe Petric; Editor: Joe Petric 8082 Chardon Rd.
Kirtland, OH 44094
Tel: (440) 256-4033
Recher Ave. Hall
Euclid, OH
7Drustvo Novi Dom
8Kras Vida Zak Celeste Frollo Anton Lavrisha Anton Lavrisha Sophie Matuch 1076 E. 176th St.
Cleveland, OH
Tel: (216) 531-3413
2nd Thursday of each month @ 7:00 @ Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave in Cleveland Except July & August
9Cleveland Albert R. Amigoni Robert Menart Patricia C. Amigoni Patricia C. Amigoni James Pavlik Roseanne Jerina, Gertrude Menart Frat Coord: Patricia C. Amigoni; Lodge Reporter: Mary Ziherl 21051 Arbor Ave.
Euclid, OH 44123
Tel: (216) 531-8468
1st Sunday of each month @ 10:00 am @ AMLA Home Office: 19424 S.Waterloo Rd
10Mir Cleveland - South
Garfield Heights, OH
12Ribnica Louis Silc James E. Czeck Carole Czeck Carole Czeck Gina Ilacqua Gina Ilacqua, Pres.
James E. Czeck,
Philip J. Yan, Sr.
Jaime Loncar, Alt.
Home Reps: SNH: Philip Yan; SSH-Recher: Lillian Bratina, James Czeck, Philip Yan; SHAged: Philip Yan 30417 Oakdale Road, Wickliffe, OH 44092

Tel: (440)
7/14, 10/13, and 12/15/2003 @ 30417 Oakdale Rd., Wickliffe, OH
14Cleveland Slovenes Honorary Pres: Mike Vidmar

AMLA Home Office
20Bled E. 80th Slovenian Home
22Collinwoodske Slovenke
24Kraljica Miru, Queen of PeaceFrancis Cazin Dorothy Cabat Rosemary Pozarelli Angie Musil Dolores Hrovat, Bernice Novak, Hattie Fashinpaur 6165 Fieldstone Trail
Seven Hills, OH 44131
Tel: (216) 524-1547
April, August & December Lunch Meetings @ Home Town Buffet, Seven Hills, OH
26Soca Parma, OH
27Blejsko Jezero Cleveland - East
30Grand River Valley Fairport Harbor, OH
32Bratska Sloga Warren, OH
38Martha Washington Cleveland - East
40Clairwoods AMLA Home Office
42Slovenska Bistrica Girard, OH
45Modern Crusaders Waterloo Rd. Slovenian Home, Cleveland, OH
50Nas Dom Cleveland - Southeast
Garfield Heights, OH
52Massillon Massillon, OH
59Cerknisko Jezero Cleveland - East
60Buckeye Lorain, OH
61Lucky Stars Cleveland - East
Euclid, OH
62Ambassadors Solon, OH

Information Sources:  OUR VOICE, No. 8, Thursday, April 20, 2000, p. 6,
                                 Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 102, No. 12, March 30, 2000, p. 10,
                                 Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 102, No. 25, June 29, 2000, pp. 6-7,
                                 Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 102, No. 45, November 23, 2000, p. 11, and
                                 Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 105, No. 28, July 17, 2003, p. 11..

For historical purposes only, see the AMLA Lodge Directory for the year 2000.