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SZZ / SWU Branch Directory

Slovenska Zenska Zveza

Slovenian Women's Union

Page Created: June 11, 2000

Page Updated: June 7, 2002

©Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Gary L. Gorsha

Corrections, additions, updates to Webmaster:

Slovenian Women's Union National Board
President's Name Vice President    Secretary     Treasurer   Names  of  Auditors     Other Offices & Committees      Contact Information   Meeting Information    Additional  Information   
Kathleen J. Dorchak #47 Marjorie Church #42 Bonnie Prokup #24 Jonita Ruth #20 Beverly Menart #33
Beverly Jackson #13
Fran Morison #2
Editor Zarja: Corinne Leskovar #2
Women's Activities: Agnes Dobczyk #20
431 N. Chicago Street
Joliet, IL 60432
Tel: 815-727-1926
None Given Scholarship: Mary Turvey #1
Junior Activities: Angela Stare #103
Heritage Museum: Father David Stalzer

Information Source: Marjorie Church

SZZ / SWU Branch Directory
Branch# President's Name Vice President Recording SecretarySecretary Treasurer   Names  of  Auditors Other Offices & Committees  Contact  Information        Meeting    Information        Additional  Information 
14 Jennie Fitzhum Addie Humphreys Diane VarneyDiane Varney Antoinette Zabukovec,
Stana Grill
Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Banner Lady: Josephine KastigarNo Address Given None Given Sunshine: Rose Rodgers
25 Frances M. Gazvoda Josephine Perpar Janet Krivavic Peggyann MooreAnne Clemons Emilee Jenko,
Gene Drobnic
4495 W. 62nd St.
Brooklyn, OH 44144
None Given Sunshine: Peggyann Moore
47 Olga Dorchak Ann Harsh Elsie Spellacy Elsie SpellacyElsie Spellacy Kathleen Dorchak,
Virginia Kemmerling
Reporter: Elsie Spellacy No Address Given 1:00PM 1st Saturday, May, Dec
2nd Sunday, Mar, Sep, Nov
Maple Heights, OH Library
50 Ann Tercek Maureen Podlogar Mary Maxin Mary MaxinMary Miller Anne Skebe,
Frances Kajfez
Sentinel: Caroline Lokar
Reporter: Vi Morachuk
No Address Given None Given Mother of the Year: Albina Mrsnik

Information Source: Ameriška Domovina, Vol. 102, No. 12, March 30, 2000, p. 10.