Jules’ Night on the Town part 2 At the time Kate suggested it, the idea of skipping their weekly card game and going off to a new club to see some male strippers sounded real good to young Jules, the devoted, loving housewife. And much later if you asked her, she would tell you the “girls” had a fabulous time at the club. They giggled and stuffed dollar bills into the tight fitting briefs those young men wore, and even snuck in a quick rub on the man’s butt. Most of the dancers didn’t seem to mind that, in fact they almost acted as if they “expected” it. Well as shapely young Jules was to discover, the price for their evening of fun was going to be a very high one. Husband Bill had sat that night at home reading a good book. From time to time he glanced at his watch to check the time. His cute wife Jules had a definite curfew time, and woe to her if she didn’t get home by the assigned hour. That meant Bill got to put her over his lap, bare her shapely round bottom and spank her soundly. Two or three of spankings for breaking curfew soon convinced Jules she had better get her cute behind back on time, and she did. Now all would have gone extremely well for that little vixen Jules, except for one small item. One of her best friends called (a young gal who didn’t play cards each week with the group). She asked to speak with Jules. Bill explained that his wife was out for the evening playing cards with a friend at that friend’s home. But being the helpful fellow he was, Bill graciously gave the caller the friend’s name and phone number, suggesting it would be ok for her to reach Jules there. About 5 minutes later Bill got a 2d call. It was from the same young lady. It seems she had phoned the friend’s house, was told by her husband that Grace had gone off to some new club with some of her card playing friends, that the game for the night had been called off. Well you can imagine Bill’s surprise upon hearing that news. No card game? Gone to some new club? He must speak to Jules about all this when she gets home. In fact he smiled as he decided “Think I had better have a real long talk with her about this”. Bill had learned early on that the very best way to talk to Jules was when she over his lap getting her bottom blistered. He put his book away and sat waiting for cute, shapely Jules to come home. He was by this time very curious as to how she would describe her evening of fun. Would she tell him the truth? He doubted it. His rule about telling him where she would be was very strict and well known to her. A full 5 minutes before her curfew hour Jules hurried into the house. She joined Bill in the living room. She went over to his chair right away and sat on his lap to give him a nice big hug and an even nicer kiss. He returned both, then looked at her with a kind of a grin. “So how was the game tonight? Have fun?” Jules fell into his trap unknowingly but eagerly. “Oh sure did, hon” she cried, “we had a super game. I wound up in 2d place, had some really good hands”. Bill drew her out for a few more minutes getting her to elaborate on her lie. Then he said casually, “Oh by the way, Marie called earlier this evening. I told her where you were and gave her Grace’s number. Guess she got to you all right?” Something about his expression alerted Jules. Oh OH! Marie had called. And when she tried to reach me at Grace’s, we weren’t there. Oh OH! Her pretty head began swimming round and round. Bill knew. Oh OH! Bill knew I wasn’t at Grace’s for a card game. Oh boy am I ever in for it now!! Before Jules could come up with some kind of plausible story to explain why she wasn’t where she was supposed to be, Bill sorta saved her the trouble. He lifted her off his lap. “Know what I think you’d better do about now, my sweet girl?” he inquired with a broad smile. Jules gulped and shook her head. “I think you better go upstairs, take off that pretty outfit you’re wearing, and wait for me on our bed. I think we need to have a little talk about tonight” he finished. Now for a rare change cute Jules wasn’t wearing her usual “spanking outfit”, the white blouse and black slacks. This evening she had persuaded Bill to let her wear one of her newest outfits, a very pretty mint green dress. And Bill was sending her upstairs to their bedroom. Usually when he spanked her, it was right here in their living room. Why upstairs? “UH, oh Bill honey, oh please do I have to? Can’t we just talk right here, please?” the now worried Jules asked nervously. Bill smiled at her warmly and shook his head. “Nope, my girl, it’s up the stairs you go, and take off your pretty new outfit, ok? Just hang out in bra and panties till I join you” he advised. Jules hurried from the room, up the stairs and into their bedroom. She didn’t like this change at all. Bill obviously had something up his sleeve, and it didn’t bode well for her. ![]() But if five years of married life with Bill had taught her anything, it was to do as she was told, without comment or protest, so shapely Jules got to their bedroom and quickly removed her pretty new mint green dress. She hung it up in her closet, then stood in bra, panties, stockings and high heels. Hmmm she wondered, should she take off those stockings and shoes? Bill had said for her to remove her pretty outfit and to wait for him in bra and panties? What about her stockings and shoes? Jules sat nervously on the side of their bed watching the bedroom door. It was through that door that her husband would come, and she knew by now he was coming to spank her. Along with everything else she learned living with Bill, Jules quickly learned that when he said he wanted to “talk to her”, it really meant he was planning on spanking her but good. “Well” the shapely blonde murmured to herself, “if old Bill is going to spank me anyway, I just as well give him a nice target”. And with that Jules climbed up on their bed and knelt on it so that her firm round bottom stuck up invitingly in the back. It would be the first thing her young husband looked at as he entered the room, Jules was sure of that. ![]() Jules, a natural brunette, had grown tired of her dark hair, so about a month before this fateful evening, she had persuaded Bill to let her go to the salon and get her hair dyed blonde. “Hey, big man” she had teased, “you always told me ‘gentlemen prefer blondes’, and you are sure one big gentleman”. Bill had laughed heartily. “You know, sweet girl, it might not be such a bad idea for you to change your hair to blonde. Hey it’ll almost be like I’ve got a new wife around the house”. Jules wasn’t sure she liked that notion, but was thrilled he would let her dye her hair blonde. Just then the bedroom door opened and Bill came in. His eyes lighted up excitedly when he saw shapely Jules kneeling up on their bed, her firm round ass lifted up nicely. She was ready for it he could see, and boy so was he. He could hardly wait. “Time we had that little talk, my girl” Bill told his cute wife softly. He carried a short thin cane in his left palm, but for some reason Jules hadn’t noticed it. At least she didn’t cry out her protest or plea. Bill walked over and stood beside the bed looking down at Jules’ beautiful bottom now covered by a pair of very sheer panties. He could see those milky white buttocks clearly through the material. Bill raised his right palm and brought it down firmly on Jules’ behind. Smack! Flesh on flesh made a loud crack in the otherwise quiet room. Jules wiggled her luscious behind ever so slightly. She looked straight ahead and down to the pillows in front of her. ![]() “Now, my sweet girl, what is all this about you not being at Grace’s, not playing cards? Just where WERE you? And WHAT were you doing?” Bill inquired quietly as his right palm came down again with equal force. “Uh, ooh, Bill honey, uh you see, well that is, Kate suggested instead of cards this week we all take in a new club. I didn’t think it was a good idea, but all the girls insisted. I’m sorry, honey, I should have called you” the kneeling blonde gave her explanation and apology quickly but in a hesitant tone. She hoped Bill would accept that much and leave it there. He didn’t. “And just what kind of club was this?” he asked calmly as his palm slapped Jules’ round bottom with equal vigor. “Oh, ooowww, uh it was a dance club, honey” the blonde called up, hoping that would satisfy him. “Oh a dance club” he commented, “hmmm like the old dime a dance type club?” Jules was caught now. She had to tell him, but how. Oh my lord the cute blonde thought desperately, Bill will KILL ME when he finds out it was a male strip joint. “Well?” came his query as his palm smacked her taut curves with greater force. “Ooowww, oh uh it was a male dancer club, oowww, oh it was strip joint” she finally confessed loudly. Her entire behind was now quite warm, and through the sheer material of her panties her husband could see how red her buttocks had become. “A STRIP JOINT?” Bill roared (but the smile on his face belied the anger in his tone). “You mean you girls went to a male strip club?” he asked for the record. A guilty defeated young blonde could only nod her head. Words just wouldn’t come at that moment. “Well, well, my girl, it seems to me we need to have a very long talk tonight. Now let’s see if I can recite your wicked deeds correctly.” Jules didn’t want to hear that recital. The longer the listing the longer and harder her spanking would be. “Hmmmm for starters you didn’t go to play cards and stay where you told me you’d be. “Then let’s see, you all go off to some male strippers’ club. “And then you come back here and LIE to me about the evening. Uh is that about it, would YOU say?” Bill inquired smugly as his right palm now rubbed Jules’s firm ass. Now pretty Jules began to sob (for the first time that night). She knew she was in big trouble, and it was all her own fault. NO she thought angrily, NO it’s not my fault, all this was that Kate’s idea. It’s all HER fault. Why isn’t she here getting her big butt blistered? “Oh I’m sorry, Bill honey, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” a now penitent young blonde sobbed loudly. “I didn’t mean to disobey you, or to lie to you, honest. I don’t know why I did it, I don’t know”. Bill rubbed her firm bottom with added pressure. “I think I do, my girl. I think you knew if I found out what you were doing I’d spank you good and hard. So you lied to me. Well now, my naughty girl, now you are going to get worse than a spanking. YOU are going to get my stick”. At that Bill bent over and took up the short slender cane he had put on the floor beside the bed before beginning to smack Jules’ tempting seat with his palm. “OH NO, oh Bill, oh please DON’T use the stick, oh please don’t. OH you know how I hate it when you cane me” the tearful, blushing and now clearly worried young wife cried out desperately. ![]() “Yes, you bad little girl, yes I am going to have to use the stick on these tonight” Bill told his tearful wife calmly as he raised the thin cane and lashed her ass with it a first time. “You were a very very BAD girl tonight. You know it. I know it. So now you have to be spanked extra hard for it. My stick is the best teacher I know” Bill said with a sigh as he brought the thin cane down again, then again, and again on Jules’s firm round buttocks. Now angry red lines quickly appeared on those firm round globes as the can dug deeply into soft flesh. Now Jules cried out loudly with each cut of the cane. It hurt, lord how it hurt! After a dozen strokes (yes Bill counted them silently), he calmly told Jules to ![]() undo and remove her bra. She sobbed but did so, throwing the bra down on the floor on her side of the bed. She knelt back up on the bed as before. “No, no, my naughty girl, NOW I want you way up on hands and knees, I want to see those pretty breasts of yours bouncing around as I spank you” Bill told her softly. Jules sobbed bitterly but assumed the position her husband wanted for her. Once she was upright on hands and knees, Bill resumed caning her. For more dramatic effect he reached down and tugged her sheer panties way up into the wide crevice separating her buttocks. Now those twin globes were for all practical purposes bare to his view and his blows. Bill smiled to see how red they were. And he liked the dark angry red lines he saw on them as well. He raised his short cane and gave his loudly sobbing wife five more cuts. ![]() “O.k. panties down now, you bad little girl, all the way down off your naughty bottom” Bill instructed cheerfully. Jules knelt upright for a few moments, long enough to slip her sheer panties down off her rounded ass. Then she fell back on hands and knees. Bill continued spanking her with his cane. He gave her six more cuts, then decided that even for her many faults, pretty Jules had been punished more than enough for one night. Bill rarely used the cane, but when he did, he made sure that particular spanking was a memorable one for pretty Jules, one she wouldn’t soon forget. That was the case this evening, for sure. “All right, baby girl, that’s all, I am finished. Pull up your panties now and put your bra back on. Want you to stand in your corner for 15 minutes to think about what happened to you tonight. And don’t rub your naughty bottom till I tell you it’s ok to do so. Go on, be a good girl for me”. Bill helped his sobbing wife off the bed and watched her tug up her panties and limp over to one corner where she stood facing the wall. He could hear her loud sobs clearly, and he could see her keeping both arms at her side, her hands far away from her badly bruised backside. She knew better than to touch those burning globes just yet. Even Jules had to admit later this particular night on the town had been a rough one. |