This is my best friend crystal. She lives in mansfield-- shes also my cousin. I recently asked her some questions so that people could get an idea of who she was, heres the answers to those---

  • whats your fav color right now? ummm i luv orange green blue n pink most! :)
  • whats your fav outfit? hmm...thats a toughy!! right now i like my light colored jeans, my green shirt and i really want one of those long sweater things with the hood...u know they like go past ur knees? those are soooo cute!!! i want a dark blue one and a tan one thatd be a cute outfit lol
  • what do you do with free time since im not there? i either sleep, draw, color, screw around on here, or go out somewhere w/ jay or sometimes jenna
  • what was your favorite thing to do with me? i always loved spendin the night at each others house and goofin off and talkin the whole night....and doin make-overs and takin pics....but i also loved havin our girls nights out like goin shoppin , and goin 2 taco bell.....blarin the plant song....i miss those days sooooo much!
  • what was the grossest food you think we have ever tried? ohhh gosh! i think peanut butter and jelly on a pickle has to top all!!!! LOL or that nasty pizza g-ma always bought when we spend the night......u know the plastic cheese kind?! haha
  • what makes you happy? well im always happy when i get 2 hang out with u...and also bein with jay
  • what makes you sad? this terrorist attack and thinkin about whats gonna happen next....also the fear that my best friend in the world and the man i am gonna marry may never get along again....
  • if you met a genie and got three wishes what would they be? 1st, that we would have the good ole days back with u livin here, u n jay would still be gettin along, and also this whole terrorist attack thing wouldve never happened

Crystal is not only my best friend... but my cousin. They say that blood is thicker then water... and I know that's VERY true. Through this page to her... I want her to know that she is truley the best person I have ever met. I love ya like a cousin... hehe.