Crossing the Gulf stream
I left from Peanut Island at Lake Worth Inlet ICW mile 1018 in a 26 foot sloop similar to a
Bayfield25. This is a good anchorage to get ready to make a crossing of the Gulf Stream
to West End in the Bahamas. The first thing I will say is check the weather and wait. Wait
for the weather that gives you enough time to motor across .Yes I said MOTOR across.
If you haul up a piece of sail consider it a bonus but get the trip over as quick as possible
there is better sailing waiting on the other side. Don't leave if the winds are from anything
North. A north wind against a north flowing stream will generate a short choppy sea and
the stronger the winds the higher the chop. That kind of a choppy ride will tax the boat and
you. You don't get much of a choice about the course the Gulf Stream is flowing north and
you want to go east. The stream has a recorded flow of 3 to 6 knots in places. If you can
only make 5 or 6 knots then you are going to get swept north. The most common coarse
a sailboat takes looks like an "S" when plotted on the chart. This is to get you started
heading south on a southeast coarse. Then the stream sets you north .You keep on the
same heading. When you get out of the stream you will probably be north of your desired
landfall and hopefully in calmer waters.
I did the trip with a promise of winds clocking to the southeast from south and diminishing.
Well it did clock but the winds increased. All the muck in my fuel tank decided to mix with the
fuel and clogged the filter, enough to reduce my rpm's. Its quite disturbing to hear your
engine sputter and then race to full throttled only to sputter again.Once out of the stream the
seas were confused and there was no comfortable course to travel. As the bow dove through
the waves the caulking holding the lens in my forward hatch let go and a 1 inch hole
allowed a lot of water to soak the forward birth. The auto bilge pump came on regularly,
about twice per hour for 10 minutes . We thought we were sinking and had no idea how the
water was getting in. It was to rough to go below to find the leak, objects were flying
everywhere. We found new gods to pray to. When we sighted land and
altered course our dingy surfed towards the transom. It flew into the backstay and took out the
Bar-B-Q. It was now too heavy with water and the tow line broke. We preformed a man
overboard drill in heavy seas to retrieve it. Without it we would be seriously handicapped.
Landfall was made at Westend in the Bahamas after 15 hours of this abusive crossing.
That was my first crossing
Stonecutter drying out everthing on deck in the sun
I've done a few since then, some on water so calm it was glass and the fish swam in the
shadow of Stonecutter to avoid the sun.
I will not leave on a promise from the weatherman. I will wait for the weather I want.
Setting a Course
The 55 NM (nautical miles) across the Gulf Stream from Lake Worth Inlet to
West End Bahamas can be a piece of cake or the worst part of the voyage .
The first thing is planning it carefully course, weather, and timing. In the days leading
up to a departure get out the charts and plot you're coarse across the stream.
Chart No# 11460 or 26320 shows the Gulf Stream crossing the best.
Lets go into the calculations for the crossing as taught by the
Powers Squadron, Coast Guard Auxiliary and Colleges teaching coastal
navigation. First establish the distance and bearing of West End, Bahamas
and Lake Worth. I came up with 94 degrees true and 55 nautical miles almost due
east. Your GPS will be more exact. You must estimate your speed over the bottom
against the stream. To do this draws a vector diagram representing 1 hour of travel
on a coarse of 95 degrees. The Gulf Stream averaging 2.5 knots North for calculations
across the entire ocean distance. On a clean page of paper with compass and
dividers spread the distance you will travel in one hour at your estimated speed and
If you haven't done any routes before that have be affected by a current this is one course
that the helmsman/person and the navigator better collaborate on. It's a good idea to
act as a team on all trips planed . I know I would have saved me at least an argument or
2 Had I paid more attention to the next days coarse.
A note don't use 3M 5200 to seal a
lens on a hatch or port, its sensitive to UV and will degrade.