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Gallery de Magic

Sorry, you must forgive my horrid French, I just thought 'Gallery de Magic' sounded spiffy....I doubt it's even French, but oh well. This is where I'm going to post pictures done by me or my friends. It's most likely wont be very big, but anyone that wants to send me a picture can do so and I'll put it up! Just random things will go here; some not even anime characters. NO COPYING. That is one thing that really ticks me off. If you want to put one up, first, e-mail me and get my premission, give me credit, and link to my site. Tankies much. Please, enjoy!

<~~By Magic Anony. It's done for my friend, the Little Fairy from Nam for her birthday and also for her profile/her website. This is the original scetch before I played around with it.

<~~By Magic Anony. Same pic, just messed around with it by inverting the colors and adding some green 'magic'.

<~~By Magic Anony. Yet again the same thing, just with stars this time. I rather like this one....does that make me odd?

<~~By Magic Anony. It's me! Kinda. I lost the regular of this one (actually, I"m just to lazy to scan it in) but this is the pic for my profile.

<~~By Magic Anony. Oh look, I found the original. Here ya go.

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