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Hewwo Hewwo! Sup sup? Have you been having a nice life? I have. You know what? No, most likely not by that blank and frightened expression on your face. If this explains the's 4:17 am. Anyways...this is me!

Name: *~*Magic Anony*~*

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: ....yeah right....

Age: 15 years old

Location: The Seventh Circle of Hell/ A blue and black palm tree

Sanity?: WHERE?

Who are you?: A figment of your imagination. I'm not really here.... you're just psycho! You think that there is another person here....Okay, so I do exist-I think as the keeper, maker and creater of all anime magic.

Pets?: Der. I have a dragon named Kitty and a small, red fox named SageJames. Yes. Kitty protects my writing, so NO COPYING. Tankies....::is perfectly normal...*cough cough*::

Fave Anime: Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors/YST, Escaflowne, Marmalade Boy, Fushigi Yugi, Magic Knight Rayearth, Carcaptor Sakura, etc--not in any particular order...

What is anime magic?: If you don't know, you never will, dote.

Personality: Hummm.....I dunno. I'm not really shy, and I'm not really outgoing, I'm generally insane and I enjoy gummi wummies.

What do you like to do?: Type questions to myself and answer them....sing really annoyingly to my RPG soundtracks, chuck gummi wummies at people (you know that I hate you if you get a green gummi thrown at you...), dance, humm....write fanfics, draw, and generally.....I like to make people scared of me! I'm crazy! Hehe!

That's me! Now go back to the main page and look at my beautiful spinning gummies!No duh! £^.^£

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