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A/N: This one is for Switchblade Malfoy! The one that inspired it all! Tankies much and on to the insanity. A "::" after a number means that it's most likely for role players only, but I guess you could attempt them if you are not....well, REVIEW! Oh yes, and xxPinkyxx helped me with some'a these. I don't own Lord of the Dance either, or River Dance....but, oh golly gee Bob, I wish I did. Yes.....

101 Things To Do In A Chat Room

By Magic

1. The most completely obvious thing that you could ever think of...annoy people!

2. :: Kill everyone. Or at least attempt to. Some people refuse to die. ::sighs:: I'm sure you can find a way.

3. Scream random things like 'angry pork flower' or 'confused pineapple spirit' at people.

4. Speak in hell lingo/ your made up lingo. (To read it, go to xxPinkyxx's home page, I think she put ours up on there. )

5. :: Get married. It's interesting. Just, don't practice polygamy, please!

6. :: Make a sundae on top of someone's head. (Trowa sundae!!! Oh the good ol' times.)

7. :: Refuse to die if you really want to tick someone off.

8. :: Play with anime magic! It can do anything you want it to! But remember, I create it so you must not use it for evil or I shall spork thou!

9. Sing lyrics to random songs.

10. :: Dance around insanely. Figure out different dances to do, such as the "thank you dance" or the "welcome back dance".

11. :: Spray paint random things around the room/on people ::snicker::

12. Go into a room with someone else and don't let anyone else come in because you have to have to have 'alone time'. ::snickers some more::

13. :: Walk around naked if you're being ignored. This gets attention.

14. :: Throw gummi wummies at other people (gummy bears in hell lingo).

15. Type things straight out of a really boring Encyclopedia. This is a great way to tick people off.

16. See how many people you can annoy so much that they put you on ignore.

17. See how many people you can annoy so much that they warn you.

18. Ask people for definitions of words (really weird words) and see if anyone knows, or rather, pays attention.

19. :: Bow to everyone. Why this bugs peeps? I shall never know....

20. :: Take a bath in the middle of where ever you are.

21. Attempt to find out who's a mean hacker and who's not, the hard way! Annoy them to the point of snapping! (Note: Mostly all hackers are really nice. ::sigh:: I wish I was that good with computers.)

22. Whine about something. Make it something stupid like your toe nails are too long.

23. ::Cut people's toe nails! Some people like this, some hate this. Maybe this is the two types of people in the world...

24. Sit there and count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....1,223,653,789,301....

25. Say the alphabet, forwards, then backwards. A, B, C, D, ...Z .... Z, Y, X ....

26. Say nothing, even if people talk to you. I'm sorry, but this really ticks even me off....::growls::

27. :: Growl at people! Just for no apparent reason.

28. :: Build something stupid that takes a lot of detail to talk about. Like a house. Just sit there, and build. <~~nice way to tick peeps off.

29. ::Sit on people's heads; refuse to get off.

30. Bring everyone from the chat room and take them to go read something funny! It's fun talking about the same thing for once.

31. Discuss things like how to best trim nose hair. Get creative.

32. :: Have a large pet animal and have them eat random people's body parts off.

33. :: Become suicidal and see if people will try to save you.

34. Tell people that you are a god or something like that. You get interesting results.

35. Pretend to be a nun/monk and preach to people. <~ You can get weird with this...

36. Just write dots. Ex: ....

37. Talk with a lisp (or rather type with one). Wath dith you thsay? ( I used to have a lisp....just do this one, it annoys the crap out of people).

38. Ask people things like why spandex doesn't come up on spell check. Or why fuck, crap, and ass are always spelt wrong.

39. Have your chat room come up with as many swear words as you can. Write them down. "Bugger" is my fave.

40. Pretend to not realize what sex people are and call guys girls and vise versa; this is a great way to piss anyone off.

41. :: Cook food for everyone. Make it something nasty right after everyone eats it. Bug guts a la mashed potatoes!

42. :: Run around poking people with a sword. I mean...over and over and over again.

43. Make a list of pick up lines with your chat room. (xxPinkyxx and I are going to do this sometime and post them-we've got some, er, interesting ones.)

44. Sing 99 Bottles of Stuff on the wall (See xxPinkyxx's writing)

45. Tap out beats to songs and refuse to stop until someone guesses the name of the song.

46. Have story time and read a story to everyone. My guess is you'll end up being ignored by everyone by the end of the day.

47. This one works either way: go into a role playing room and refuse to role play, or go into a normal room and refuse to not role play. Either way, great for annoying people.

48. Hum; just hum.

49. Make eating noises the whole time. *crunch* *munch*

50. Scream and rant about how your house is haunted. See how many people you can get to believe you.

51. Analyze people's dreams/ your own. Pretend you know what you're doing.

52. Ask everyone if they're you're mommy.

53. Pretend to be someone famous. Ex: Nick Carter or Sister Wendy.

54. Critique paintings for everyone....ova here!

55. :: Throw pens at people. Make 'em bleed!

56. :: Get an egg beater stuck in someone's hair. Shave it off for them...

57. :: Smack people with a spatula.

58. :: Also smack people with fish-the smacking fish. There is also the happy fish, the rebirth fish, etc.

59. :: Pretend you are Darth Vader and be everyone's father.

60. Bless people.....?¿

61. :: Float around in your invisible canoe.....smack people with the ores.

62. Pretend to have split personalities. Argue with yourselves.

63. Spell everything wrong.

64. Bark. WOOF!

65. Make new friends...WILL YOU BE MY SPECIAL FRIEND?! Hello, my name is Jim, no, my names is Joe....Special friend JimJoe....::does the special friend River Dance:: (xxPinkyxx is special friend Tom, and Little Fairy From Nam is special friend Bill.) Yes.

66. Become Lord of the Dance!!

67. Make on going farting noises....pthpthpthpth...

68. Say random lines from the commercials you are watching; Ex: The quilted, quicker picker upper, Bounty!(P.S. I don't own Bounty either, ::tear::)

69. :: .................................

70. :: Find a Trowa Barton and play with his it natural!?

71. :: Sit on people. Make them your chairs. Again, refuse to get off.

72. :: For people sitting on others heads, you may wish to SUPER GLUE yourself onto their head!! Wouldn't that be fun!?

73. Sing songs in different languages.

74. Speak in different languages. Go into the German rooms and speak French....see if anyone talks back, or something.

75. :: Transform, using lots of adjectives and long phrases into.....da da da!!! a giant toilet!

76. :: Bite people.

77. :: Become Sailor Moon and fight for justice!! Using all those great cliche lines.

78. :: Sit on your head and wish for fish. Ask others if they wish for fish as well.

79. Say random things.

80. :: Be a giant spoon.

81. ::Fly around in a giant bathtub, hitting people. Kill pokemon with the giant bathtub (yes, I dun own pokemon either, and I don't care.)

82. ::Have a giant bathtub for your home.

83. :: Go under the bubbles of the giant bathtub and come out wearing random things, like a rain coat, or a lunch box outfit.

84. :: Eat. Food is good. Spill it on people.

85. Convince everyone you live in an igloo.

86. :: Set fire to things, peeps, etc. FIRE....

87. :: Staple people to other people.....? (My friend just stapled her hair....)

88. Just make snoring noises.

89. Whenever it gets quite scream "My chalupa!"

90. :: Make it rain, I don't know why, just do it. Guys look sexier when they're all dripping wet with rain and....anyway!

91. :: Be the clothing fairy and change peoples clothes. Guys get tights! Bright orange tights!!!

92. Scream out yes! at inappropriate times.

93. Ask everyone if they were made in China.

94. La la la la la la! For hours at a time.

95. Create up some weird disease and tell people you have it. Try to make them believe you. I have fartidus.

96. :: Cry at random times.

97. :: Attempt to prefect the art of kabuki! (It's dancing using really small movements.)

98. Be a mime! Is this possible?!

99. :: Have odd weapons when fighting like the spork of justice or the toe ring of virtue.

100. :: Make someone toast...I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!

101. Follow there, er, 100 things to do so that you can really scare the whole world. Thank you. ::bows::

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....At The Mall!