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Tyrian Code of Conduct

General Principles

By becoming a citizen of Tyre Tangiere, each member in effect pledges to uphold the principles of Tyre Tangiere. These principles are ment as a guide by which each member conducts thier affairs.


Each person is responsible for thier own actions. Simply put, if you make a mistake it is your duty to live up to that mistake, to admit guilt and to accept the consiquences of that action. No longer will anyone be able to make the excuss of "the devil made me do it", or "television is a bad influence on my child and caused him to commit that crime". If you smoke you have to accept the fact that you may get cancer, and when you do, its no one's fault but your own. This is not saying, however, that tobacco companies should get off free, if they know thier product is very addictive and kills people, then they to will have to accept responsibility for marketing an unsafe product. Every citizen of Tyre Tangiere will be held accountable for thier actions!


• WE BELIEVE that an honest man can never be happy in a naked scramble for material gain and comfort, without any goal which he believes is greater than himself, and for which he is willing to sacrifice his own egotism. This goal was formerly provided by fundamentalist religions, but science and subversion have so weakened all traditional religions, and given man such an unwarranted, short-sighted conceit of his "power over Nature", that he has in effect become his own God. He is spiritually lost, even if he will not admit it. We believe that the only realistic goal which can still lift man out of his present unhappy selfishness and into the radiance of self-sacrificing idealism is the upward struggle of his race, the fight for the common good of his people.

• WE BELIEVE that society can function successfully, and therefore happily, only as an ORGANISM; that all parts benefit when each part performs the function for which it is best suited to produce a unified, single-purposed whole, which is then capable of out-performing any single part, the whole thus vastly increasing the powers of all the cooperating parts and the parts, therefore, subordinating a portion of their individual freedom to the whole; that the whole perishes and all of the parts suffer whenever one part fails to perform its own function, usurps or interferes with the function of another part, or like a cancer devours all the nourishment and grows wildly and selfishly out of all proportion to its task.

• WE BELIEVE that man makes genuine progress only when he approaches Nature humbly, and accepts and applies her eternal laws instead of arrogantly assuming to ignore and conquer Nature, as do the Marxists with their theories of the supremacy of environmental influence over the genetic truth of race, special laws of biological equality for humans only, and their insane denial of the primitive and fundamental human institution of private property.

• WE BELIEVE that struggle is the vital element of all evolutionary progress and the very essence of life itself; that it is the only method whereby we have won and can maintain dominion over the other animals of the earth; that we must therefore welcome struggle as a means of testing and improving us, and that we must despise weaklings who run away from struggle. We believe that life itself is awarded by Nature only to those who fight for it and win it, not those who wish or beg for it as a "right."

• WE BELIEVE that no man is entitled to the services or the products of the labor of his fellow men unless he contributes at least an equal amount of goods or services of his own production or invention. We believe that the contribution by a member of society of nothing else but tokens called "money" is a fraud upon his fellows, and does not excuse a man capable of honest work of his responsibility to PRODUCE his share.

• WE BELIEVE that it is to the advantage of society to see that every honest man has freedom and opportunity to achieve his maximum potentials by preserving his health, protecting him from unforseeable and ruinous catastrophes, educating him to capacity in the areas of his abilities, and guarding him against political and economic exploitation.


• BE HONEST. A Tyrian faces a fact whether he likes it or not. Dishonesty is the mark of the enemy. Tyre Tangiere above all represents living truth in its purest form.

• BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Destiny subjects only its strongest mortals to enormous tasks which would crush lesser men. It wills only the best to fulfill the highest task of life: to perfect mankind. Give yourself utterly unto Destiny, and it will shield you in your fight. It helps only those who help themselves. We will lose only if we lay down our arms due to our weakness and cowardice.

• BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR KINDRED. No one must be allowed to spoil what Nature created down through aeons of evolution. Your highest purpose in life is to carry on that evolution toward a stronger, better, more beautiful mankind. The purity and strengthening of our kindred is the basic requirement of every future higher evolution.

• FIGHT FOR YOUR KINDRED. Fight for the ideals of Tyre Tangiere, the heart of your great kindred. Only in this struggle can you prove your true worth as a man or a woman. Only thus can you fulfill your potential for courage, dedication, and ennobling self-sacrifice. Life's struggle for survival brought Man upwards from the apelike beings of the distant past to the height of Tyrian culture and achievement. Our struggle will produce the revolutionary elite who will lead Tyre Tangiere to victory.

• YOU ARE A SUPERIOR INDIVIDUAL. You will be outnumbered in this struggle, because the best are always a minority. History-making decisions have never been the work of formless masses, but always victories by active and dedicated minorities. You are both the servant and the spokesperson for your kindred. Make sure you set an example worthy to be followed in your person and your life.

• LOVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. You owe your existence to your family; let your love of them be your overriding passion in life. Do not fear the Undermen, the inferior, and do not persecute them. You are their superior, but you are not their owner. When the time comes to fight them, do not lose your senses through counterproductive hatred. Detach yourself, clear your mind, and destroy them completely, methodically, clinically, as if in a surgical operation. Nothing is more pointless than wasting time hating people; it detracts from the positive love of your own.

• IMPROVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. All Tyran men and women are your brothers and sisters, although not all are equally intelligent or courageous. It is up to you to inform them, to encourage them, and to instill their hearts with courage. Some of your kinsfolk have been misled and made ugly by the evil which is corrupting our soul. You must not hate them on that account, but rather strive to bring them back to their family.

• REJECT THE DECADENCE. Decadence is anything which detracts either physically or spiritually from the health and the upward development of Tyre Tangiere. You must hold your spiritual purity above your very life, and not associate with anything which is decadent or which gives your life the appearance of decadence. Every aspect of life must be judged in relation to the survival and improvement of your kindred; anything hindering these attainments must be ruthlessly rooted out and destroyed.

• THE BEST MUST RULE. All great achievements on earth are the product of great leadership, political or scientific or artistic. The community can gain strength only by applying the Leadership Principle and placing in front the men and women who have demonstrated superior ability, dedication, and tenacity in the struggle. Democracy is a sickness which leads inevitably to chaos, corruption, and the collapse of society; from democracy steps forth the cruelest of tyrants.

• NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Where there is a will, there is a way. Everything falls before the man of indomitable will. Suffering and sacrifice are necessary; we are hardening ourselves for the most decisive struggle in all of human history. Victory will fall only to the most truthful, the most fanatical, the strongest, the bravest, and the best. Be that.