About The Class of 1985

About The Class of 1985

Number of Students:

Senior Class Officers:
President: Necole Reese
Vice-President: Marc Peltier
Secretary: Tracy Carter
Treasurer: Alesha Thornton

Senior Council Members:
Bettye Jane Chasin
Elizabeth Collins
Natalie Cooper
Bonita Haynes
Joe Lamboley
Mike Kamlet
Lola Price

Homecoming Queen:
Dobrila Istocki

Senior King:
John Motton

Prom King & Queen:
Necole Reese & Orlando Cumberlander

Class Valedictorian:
Mike Kamlet

Class of '85 Awards

The Walnut Ridge Alma Mater

Classmates who now live outside Ohio

In memory of those who are no longer with us:

  • John Glenn
  • Mark Hartley
  • Bonita Haynes
  • "Then & Now" for all grads

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