UPDATE: 10/12/04
Hey everyone!
As some of you may know, I have not been updating the site or responding to emails in over a year. I have been without internet access for that period of time but am now back online. So, if anyone has bios they would like to submit, or need to update their current bios, please feel free to do so by following the link on the home page.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
I decided to create this web site as a way for us all to catch up on old times and to keep in touch! If you would like to submit pictures, information, etc., please contact me using the link below. Anything you send via mail will be returned safely and in a timely manner. To email photos, simply use the link below.
I am more than happy to work on this site...I love doing this stuff! But remember, I am only one person out of a class of almost 300 students...it is you who will help build this site! No information will be posted here without your explicit permission, and anything you want will be. Changes will be made as often as information comes in.
Special thanks to John Page, Patty Stauffer & Elizabeth Hollenbeck for their help in tracking down classmates and giving me a lot of very helpful information!
If you know how to contact any of our classmates, please consider sending them a link to this site. A Tell-A-Friend link can be found on any of the classmate bio pages.
So, bring on the bios and the pictures...I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Bernice Walton
Class of 1985