Welcome to Adopt-A-Foal! Here you can adopt a foal to put on your internet
page!! You can choose from a variety of breeds and colors. Just click one of the
links below to choose a foal. Once you have chosen, click on the foal's picture
to get the code for it's certificate. Make sure to fill in your new foal's name
and your name on the certificate!! Please email me at
with your name, website's name, and the foal you adopted. Thanks and I
hope you enjoy the foals!!
Also, if you have any questions about adopting a foal, please go to our FAQ Page before you send me an e-mail asking the question, as I am SO SICK of getting annoying e-mails from people asking dumb questions. Thanks!
Note: if you are adopting a foal and your page is on HorseLand, please send me your HL player number, not just the URL you copy at the top as I can only see your page if I am logged onto your account. If you do not send me the player number on HL, you will not be allowed to adopt the foal until you have done so. I will send you a reply telling you this. Thank you.
OK people, I've finally done it. I've changed the Friesian colt's picture. I've gotten at least 30 e-mail of people complaining that "friesians are supposed to be black." Well guess what? NO ONE CARES! I'm so sick of people complaining about the stupid thing that I did change the picture. It wasn't easy though. I hope you're all happy now. And for those of you idiots that think Friesians are only black, you may want to read this. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! IF I GET ONE MORE COMPLAINT ABOUT THE FRIESIAN COLT, I'M GOING TO SHUT DOWN THE SITE!