Hair Care

To make your hair look it's best, you must know how to take care of it. To take care of your hair, you must know what kind of hair you have! Here are some ways to tell what kind of hair you have:
If your hair is greasy, clumps together at the root, and gets diry quickly, you have oily hair.
If your heair is dull, breaks esily, frizzy, prone to split ends, still, then you have dry hair.
If your hair is stron, soft, shiny, full of body, and esy to handle, than you have normal hair. Now that you know what kind of hair you have, you can learn how to take care of it...

Hair Treatments:

To improve your hair's texture and replace nutrients try a warm oil treatment. Apply once a week to treat damaged hair or pamper yourself monthly. Jojoba oil is an excellent base carrier oil for hair treatments.

Make up a blend of 10-25 drops of essential oils to 2-3 oz (50-100 mls) of base carrier oil depending on the length of your hair. Part the hair into sections. Apply the mixture along the sections all the way down to the ends with hands or cotton wool dipped in the oil. Wrap in a warm towel and leave for 2 hours for best effect. If possible sit in the sunshine or in a steamky bath. To remove, work in some shampoo and a small amount of water, then wash as normal.

Oils to use:
Damaged Hair: geranium 5 drops, sandalwood 10 drops, lavender 10 drops.

Normal Hair: Lavender 10 drops, cedarwood or rosewood 20 drops.

Dry Hair: Rosewood 15 drops, sandalwood 10 drops.

Oily hair: Bergamot 12 drops, lavender 13 drops, tea tree 6 drops, lemon 6 drops, geranium 4 drops, lavender 4 drops.

Dress-up your pony

First, blow-dry your hair until it's completely straight and dry. Then, comb a deep side part into hair and sweep it back into a high ponytail, securing it with a barrette or pretty elastic. Finish the look with a spritz of shine spray, like, Mop Glisten Spray Shine for an extra dose of sheen.

Your Questions:

Q. I want to know how to get my hair less frizzy when I wear it down.

A. Try using some setting lotion in your hair and comb through your hair. It works like hair spray, but won't leave your hair hard, and it makes your hair smell good.

Q.How do I make my hair stay curled under after I curl it? It falls out at mid day.

A.Try this, apply a styling créme, like ISO Multi-texture Styling Créme to freshly washed hair. Then, blow-dry completely. Now curl!
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