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<title>BAIT: KEEPERS</title>
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<h1 align="center">BAIT: KEEPERS</h1>

<!--Freetext-->Keeping bait alive is one of the most important keys to catching cats.We use live bait for flatheads and the baits has to stay fresh and lively to call big cats in.We usually transport our baits in "bait-tanks" then just use a simple 5 gallon bucket with 1/2" holes drilled in it to keep bait alive when we get to our spot.Only baits that will be hard to keep are shad and skipjack herring.These baits require good oxyen and a "round" style bait tank so they dont get red nosed from banging into the corners.I add "Better-Bait" to my tanks when i fill them up at home.The city water has lots of chlorine and metals that will kill bait fish fast.This stuff conditions water, removes chlorine and heavy metals, stimulates a natural slime coat and adds electrolytes .My tank of choice for most baits we use like panfish and suckers is a tank i made from an igloo 150qt. cooler and a Attwood 750gph. bilge pump.This set up works great and is way cheaper than most tanks on the market.For shad and skipjack a plastic 55gal. drum fitted with a bilge pump works great too.To help keep shad alive add "shad-keeper" to your water and you should do fine.Another thing to think about is water temps. in summer.We usually take a 2gal. size zip-lock full of ice and put it in the tank.DONT add ice directly into the tank, cause the chlorine will kill the bait fish.Once the ice all melts, we just pour out the water in the bag and add new ice.Also white colored tanks work much better than other colors as white doesnt attract as much heat as dark colors do.These tanks listed below are great tanks and can give you a varity to choose from for your application and needs. <!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="p002026hz01.jpg">
<font size="7">CABELA'S Minnow Life Support System </font>
<!--Freetext-->This bait tank features a tough fiberglass outer shell, 3/16" insulation, and a strong, fiberglass inner lining to help maintain cooler water temperature. The aerator consists of a stainless steel agitator and a galvanized steel motor. The 2350 rpm, 12-volt aerator delivers twice as much oxygen as most motors. This increased oxygenation is crucial in maintaining lively bait. The oval tank shape limits baitfish tendency to collide into walls, resulting in fewer injured fish. Insulated to help maintain temperature control. The 20-gallon tank measures: 26"L x 14"W x 18"H and weighs 19 lbs. This system will keep up to 70, 5"-7" baits lively for days. The aerator is available in a 12-Volt model (2350 rpm, 3.7 amp draw) or 110-Volt model(1550 rpm). <!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="50309.jpg">
<font size="7">Super Bait Saver</font>
<!--Freetext-->Operating on only 3/4 amp, these low-profile livewells include a durable poly well with molded handles, hinged lid, and cutting board top. Ultrasonically sealed motor comes with 6' cord, copper clips, and filter. Tank tested. Made in USA. 59.99 BAIT SAVER 5
     $69.99 BAIT SAVER 10 GALLONS 
     $84.99 BAIT SAVER 20 GALLONS 

<img src="tank1.jpg">
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<!--Freetext--> (MODEL)1632 (16" x 32" x 24" Tall)GALS.- 20 (BAIT CAP.) 85 Shad (COST)$325.00 
(MODEL)1932 (19" x 32" x 24" Tall)GALS.- 27  (BAIT CAP.)125 Shad (COST)$350.00 
(MODEL)2432 (24" x 32" x 24" Tall)GALS.- 35  (BAIT CAP.)175 Shad (COST) $375.00 
 (MODEL)  2436 (24" x 36" x 24" Tall)GALS.-   40 (BAIT CAP.) 200 Shad   (COST) $400.00   George "Sunshine" Lening 
Route 1, Box 380 
Mead, Ok 73449 
Phone (580)-920-2085 
Fax     (580)-924-2086 <a href="/oh5/catfish_hunters/baitkeepers2"> <img src="gldnxt.gif" </a>

