Members of the Level 3 Club

37 lbs. caught by Rod Neil

This is a upper level 3 caught by Rod Neil in my spot his first year flathead fishing.The sucker in the picture is 9" long to give some scale to the size of the flathead.Nice fish Rod, i guess i taught you well! ( lol ) Another Ball & Chain Corp. member

30lb Flathead, Duane Hook

This is another work/fishing buddy Duane. Before this fish Duane had 2 other flatheads under his belt. Hes only been Flathead hunting a few times with his first two flatheads(6 & 10lb) being caught his first trip. Last night 8/19/02 was only his 3rd trip...Duane lost two other flatheads before this one and one other NICE one after...i'd say hes a little spoiled getting a level 3 his first season, let alone his 3rd Flathead ever..way to go Duane! Guess i need to stop taking you to MY must have had one hell of a guide?(wink)

Duane again

Another view of this great level 3