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Frontline Force League NA League Rankings

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How Rankings are Determined
(click the above links to go directly to Map or Overall Rankings)

I. Offensive Rankings

Offensive Rankings are determined by ranking the Time it took to capture all the points on a map. This is determined by subtracting the time left on the clock when the last point is captured (the number you report on your Results Form) from the total map time. These times are ranked from the lowest to highest (the less time it takes you to capture all the points the better). This can be for a single round (Individual Round Rankings), an average of total rounds played on a Map (Partner, Team or Individual Rankings), or a weighted average of rounds played (Overall Rankings).

Note that if there is a failure to capture all the points on a map when attacking, a "penalty" will be assigned. The more points you fail to capture, the more penalty you will get for each failed capture. For each point you fail to capture, you will get a penalty of The Total Map Time divided by the Total Number of Points on the Map times the Number of the Point you Failed to Capture.

This can best be demonstrated with an example:

If the Total Map Time is 8:00 and there are 4 Total Map Points:

If you fail to capture 1 Point, your total penalty will be 2:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1)].
If you fail to capture 2 Points, your total penalty will be 6:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1) + (8:00 / 4 * 2)].
If you fail to capture 3 Points, your total penalty will be 12:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1) + (8:00 / 4 * 2) + (8:00 / 4 *3)].
If you fail to capture 4 Points, your total penalty will be 20:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1) + (8:00 / 4 * 2) + (8:00 / 4 *3) + (8:00 / 4 * 4)].

You then add this "penalty" to the Total Map Time to get a final score.

II. Defensive Rankings

Defensive Rankings are determined similar to the Offensive Rankings. The Defensive score is recorded as the amount of time all the capture points were held (total map time minus the time left on clock when last point was capped). Thus on a 7:00 map, if there was 2:53 left on the clock when the final point was captured, the Defensive score would be 4:07 (7:00 - 2:53).

I also wanted to give some kind of "bonus" when the defending team was able to hold some or all of the points on a map. The more points you hold, the more bonus you will get for each held point. This means that the bonus you get for holding 2 points will be more than simply twice the bonus for holding one point.

The way I determine the "bonus" is thus: For each point you hold, you will get a bonus of The Total Map Time divided by the Total Number of Points on the Map times the Number of the Point Held.

This can best be demonstrated with an example:

If the Total Map Time is 8:00 and there are 4 Total Map Points:

If you hold 1 Point, your total bonus will be 2:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1)].
If you hold 2 Points, your total bonus will be 6:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1) + (8:00 / 4 * 2)].
If you hold 3 Points, your total bonus will be 12:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1) + (8:00 / 4 * 2) + (8:00 / 4 *3)].
If you hold 4 Points, your total bonus will be 20:00 - [(8:00 / 4 * 1) + (8:00 / 4 * 2) + (8:00 / 4 *3) + (8:00 / 4 * 4)].

You then add this "bonus" to the Total Map Time to get a final score. I chose this graduated scale because if you are able to hold several points on a map, you should get much more of a bonus. It is rare that a team can hold all the points on a map (although it has been done three times so far this season), and if a team can do that, they really deserve some serious bonus.

III. Individual Round Rankings

Individual Round Rankings are simply the list of all the rounds that have been played on a given map ranked by the best Offensive/Defensive rounds on down. This ranking is only for Individual Maps and there is no such category for the Overall Rankings tables.

IV. Partner Rankings

Partner Rankings are the rankings of Round scores by sets of Partners. Some teams have more than two players on their roster and thus mix and match partners when playing matches. Each time a set of partners plays together, the results will be taken into consideration for their ranking. In the case of the Map Rankings, the total scores will be calculated and then divided by the number of rounds those partners played that map together. In the case of the Overall Rankings, a weighted average will be used (see Overall Rankings below).

V. Team Rankings

Team Rankings are similar to Partner Rankings except that they are an average for all rounds the Team has played. The total scores for all Rounds played by that team will be calculated and then divided by the number of rounds played by that Team.

VI. Individual Rankings

Again, Individual Rankings are similar to Team Rankings and Partner Rankings except that they are an average for all rounds an individual has played. The total scores for all Rounds that that individual played in are calculated and then divided by the number of rounds that player participated in.

VII. Map Rankings

Map Rankings simply rank all the Individual Round, Partner, Team and Individual Player Rounds. The Individual Round Rankings will rank every Offensive and Defensive Round played on that map. The Partner, Team and Individual Rankings will be based on an average of the rounds played by grouping.

VIII. Overall Rankings

The Overall Rankings are the most complicated calculations. I wanted to try and combine all the various rankings from the individual maps into an Overall category, but some maps are easier to Attack or Defend than others as well as the Map Times vary from 5:00 to 10:00. An attack score of 4:04 on a 5:00 map is much better than a 4:04 score on a 10:00 map.

There is not much I can do about the Offensive or Defensive ease of a map in the calculations, but I can weight the scores from maps that have different Total Map Times.

In order to address this, the Overall Rankings are determined similar to the Partner, Team and Individual Rankings on the various Map Ranking tables (an average based on the number of rounds played). However I try to keep the scores all on the same scale. The Scores for the Overall rankings are all converted to a 10:00 map time, thus a score of 4:04 on a 5:00 Map is equal to a score of 8:08. I realize this is not quite accurate as some long maps have large distances between capture points and the "travel" time alone between points makes fast capture times difficult. So please take this into consideration when viewing the Overall Rankings. They are NOT completely accurate, but are simply added to give a general idea. If you Overall Rankings are important to you, take this into consideration when selection your Maps for the 2nd - 6th Games. However over the entire season, people will be playing a wide variety of maps, so things should balance out over the long run.

When totaling the Overall Scores, the Scores for each Round played is mulitplied by 10 / the Total Map Time. In this way a 3:00 score on a 5:00 map becomes equal to a 6:00 time on a 10:00 and a 4:00 score on an 8:00 map becomes 5:00 on a 10:00 map. These adjusted scores are then totaled and divided by the total number of rounds played by that set of Partners, Team or Individual.