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undefined fashiondesign
HOLIDAY SALES!! SOME COLTHES ARE $8 ONLI!!*DO COMMENT IN MY BLOG,IF U INTERESTED,THE CLOTHES MAYBE ONLY $8.. THE SALES FINISH ON END OF JUNE ONLI!! *SWAP R WELCOME IN ORGINIAL PRICE* HI Every1,there R 6 pages for browsing,click on the number,6 pages,there is some of my wants,if u all haf,do comment in my blog. NOTE: .Items are at bargained prices. .Items are either brandnew or worn less than 5 times unless stated. .Dead buyers will be listed. .First come first serve basis. .If there are more than 1 buyer, highest bidder gets it. .Bidding will commence if the item has not been sold. .No refunds. .Meet ups ONLY. .Meet ups to my convenience .NO backing out AFTER CONFIRMATION. .CASH ONLY. .Queries can be answer through the comments,pls do include yr blog add or e-mail,so that i can contact u. .All items sold are in prefectly condition unless otherwise mentioned.Seller shall not be responsible or liable for any damages example after item is sold. .nt 4 swap unless i interested in yr items. .*Do Take note,send once for the comments,it needs time to upload the comments.TKs! -_-
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Queries/ Comments areas 
Type your comments or queries here,will get back asap.Remember to leave yr e-mail or blogspot add.For those want to link ,pls provide yr links & i will link you back!

Comments (72) | Add a Comment

hi~!linked u liao .link me back too wor=D
jas | December 14, 2006

simply-art linked you. linked me back too at =D
simply-art | December 27, 2006

simply-art linked you. linked me back too at =D
simply-art | December 27, 2006

You're linked! =D
CheckThisOutt | January 05, 2007

linked u. link me too yea. =)
ppg | January 14, 2007

cheap tops and pretty earrings up for grabs! do visit us now!! Do link us, babe! You've been linked x)
SplurgeImpulse | | January 15, 2007

hi.. i link you up le.. link me back.thanks
Bianca | | January 30, 2007

linked =))
clothe-mebaby | February 07, 2007

hellos ! ((:
you guys are LINKED !
hope you link us back as SECONDS- !
SECONDS- | February 14, 2007

hi you are LINKED! PLease link us now .Links us as 28th-street thx =D
28th-street | February 18, 2007

hei there!already linked u up yups=)

WAKLOOS | March 03, 2007

hi! linked ya. do link me back as F@sh!oN Diva. thanks

F@sh!oN Diva | | March 04, 2007

hey. we've linked you up alr. pls link us up too! thanks! (:
iboutique- | March 16, 2007

i linked u!!!!! link me back at k?? thnx loads<333 =D
happy-shop | March 17, 2007

I linked you! please link us!!
JJNKY | March 21, 2007    Next