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Race Industry


March 17, 2025

The Race Place, fuelports distributor

NEW Top 10 Reasons to Use My Fuelports

Page and installation instructions

Spec Miata Package!

Spec Miata built in a day -
the photo essay of fuelport installation!

Page three....cost, ordering, payment, and how to contact me 

Photo that are using the fuel ports in SCCA competition

Rally Photo that are using the fuel ports in SCCA Club/Pro Rally competition

Click here to view Aaron Coalwell's approval letter, from Denver

Click here to view "Proper Storage and Handling of Racing Fuels", provided by Phillips 66

Click here to visit Dave Gran's website "Go Ahead-Take The Wheel"

Click here to visit Jay Novak's website NovaRace

Last updated on April 7, 2009

Who am I…and what makes me think I know what I’m doing??

My name is Paul Morrison.  I joined SCCA in 1998; my home region is Mahoning Valley.  I was named Tech Worker of the Year for NEOhio in 2000, Worker of the Year for Mahoning Valley in 2001, Grover Griggs Award for Tech Worker, Nelson Ledges, 2004. I have a BS in Engineering and 25 years experience in the engineering field.

What do I have to offer?

I have worked to develop a variety of fuel acquisition  test ports for SCCA Club Racing competition.  The fittings are all gasoline compatible materials.   These fittings use the same outlet thread and part as many OEM fuel systems.  You can use a fuel pressure test gauge that is available at many auto parts stores to check the condition of your fuel pump.  The sample port can be installed anywhere between the pump and carburetors or injectors.  The reason to collect the sample away from the engine is to reduce the heat of the sample to allow a quicker test and to reduce the chance that a spark could start a fire.

 I want to assist the competitors by providing products that will help them comply with GCR 9.3.25 B…plus do so safely and in a cost-effective way.

Follow the links on the  left.  They will take you to pages containing information on what I have developed, the cost, how to order and pay.  Thanks for your interest, good luck and safe racing!


9.3.25 B Fuel Sample Acquisition

So that I can refresh your memory, here, in it’s entirety, the information from the 2007 SCCA Club Racing General Competition Rules, 9.3.25 B, GCR page 79, "Fuel Sample Acquisition -  


“All cars shall be equipped with an easily accessible sampling valve/port located between the fuel tank and the carburetor(s) or fuel injectors to facilitate acquisition of fuel samples.  To avoid fuel spillage, the fuel sampling valve/port shall not consist of removing a fuel line from any fuel system component unless a  dry break fitting has been installed.  A capped and/or sealed "T" may be fitted inline, or  a capped and/or sealed auxiliary sample port may be fitted to a fuel system component (carburetor, fuel rail, etc.) without using a dry break fitting.  

Under no circumstances is siphoning of fuel from the fuel tank/cell acceptable.

If possible, the sampling valve/port should not be located in the engine compartment.  Cars equipped with a factory fuel pressure test port (e.g. fuel injected SS, T, IT, SRF, etc.) or competitors having factory fuel pressure test equipment available, are not required to have an additional fuel sampling port.  On all other cars, to avoid fuel spillage it is recommended that a valve or dry break fitting be installed in the fuel line.  In all cases, competitors shall provide the appropriate tooling necessary to safely obtain the fuel sample.  A manned fire extinguisher shall be present whenever fuel samples are being acquired.”


This SCCA Fuel Test Ports site
owned by Paul Morrison

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