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toledo area highways
Taking Toledo roads into the 21st Century.

our interstates 

Hi, hello, and welcome to Toledo Area Highways, your source for information on our highways and byways.  I hope that you learn as much from this site as I have from creating it.

The Toledo area is criss-crossed by a few Federal Highways, two major freeways, and a number of state routes.  It is my hope to feature different aspects of the routes people use while traveling Toledo and the surrounding area and hopefully feature things you may not have seen.

Please note that in no way is this site associated with either

The Ohio Department of Transportation


The Ohio Turnpike Commission.

Special thanks go out to Mr. Dan Garnell for the use of his Interstate shield for the site and for guidance toward the accomplishment of the site, The Ohio Department Of Transportation and the Ohio Turnpike Commission for the use of the ODOT and OTC shields, the license plates, courtesy of R.T.'s Blank Plates and to Mr. David Kendrick and his Shields-Up Web Site for some of the Interstate Shields, U.S. Highway Markers and the Michigan State Highway Markers.

Need to borrow an image?  Send me an e-mail and I will let you.  This site is to educate the everyday traveler and perhaps a picture I either took or had submitted catches your eye.  If it was submitted, I will direct you to e-mail the submitter.

our u.s. highways

our state highways

toledo area construction


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© 2002-2003 By Sean Lyons.  All rights reserved.
Created: November 9, 2002, Updated: August 9, 2003
E-MAIL: (Spam Filter in effect - change # to @ to e-mail)

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