Westerville Service Unit Web Page

is MONDAY, September 15, 2003 at 7:30. It will NOT b at Walnut Springs. Please contact Mrs. Seckel for the new location.
The team meeting will begin at 6:30 in the music room.

Meeting highlights include: A chiropracter coming to speak on how children should wear their bookbags. "Breakout sessions" for each GS age level. And Martha Tickel will be discussing Teen Council for girls in 6th grade and above.
2004 International Festival: JoanHart is holding the first meeting at Graeter's on Monday, September 22 at 7pm. Please contact her if you plan on attending and/or volunteering.
Saturday, October 18 is Brownie Outdoor Day. The deadline for submitting registration forms is September 15! For more info, please contact Kelly Winks, Kim Strapp, or Lorraine Engle.
We hope to see you there!
The "Minnesota Dreams" wider op $70 per person deposit isdue directly to the Girl Scout Counc of Greater Minneapolis by September 15. If you wil be attending, please contact Deb Seckel.
*This page is currently under construction. Please keep checking back for more updates!

Troops in Action!
Krafty Korner!
Cool Camps!
Awesome Art!
Service Team
Service Unit
Service Projects
Fundraising Ideas
Sugarbush Day Camp Information!!!!
Wonderful Writings! (NEW!)
90th Anniversary Celebration
2003 Service Unit Calendar
Registration Info From Diane O.
The Official Schedule For The Booth Sales