Wonderful Writings!

This page is for all you Girl Scouts out there to get creative! You can send in some of your best pieces of writing, including poems, short stories, creative essays and any other writings you can think of! But, we need you to make this page! You have to send in your wonderful writings, pretty poems, stupendous stories, and exquisite essays in to Stephanie Stanfield or Lynn Lichi (your leader should know who to send it to). Please send in your best stuff so we can display it on our web-site! Also, only send in your first name and your age, so we can make sure that you are safe. So, get those brains cracking and get to work!

Ready, Set, WRITE!!!

All of these phenomenal poems were written by girls from 4th and 5th grade Junior Troop 2217 who just completed the United We Stand Badge. Check out the Troops in Action page to find out more about them!

Being American

Being an American is like being a free animal in the jungle.
Being an American is like being an eagle flying up high in the clouds.
Being an American is like being a flag swaying in the air.
Being an American is like being free to roam.
Being an American is like flying a kite the way it flies in the air.
Being an American is like being me - a free person in my country!

- by Shannon

What is Our Flag?

What is our flag?
A symbol.
A reminder.
A sign.
It is beautiful.
It makes us feel safe.
It makes us feel pride.
It makes us feel loving.
It loves us all.
That is my flag!

- by Kayleigh

Being an American Means to Me...

Being an American means
expecting rights and privileges,
included in activities,
never losing my freedom,
generosity through the country,
always able to do anything,
nobody ever losing faith,
able to reach my goals,
many choices,
interesting activities to join,
choices are free.
America My Home - Never Giving Up!

- by Chelsea

This Country

This country is my country
With the eagles in the sky
a country with bees and things
that fly with the flag in the breeze.
See the American flag fly and the Liberty Bell ring.
All symbols of my country’s pride.
-by Anastasia

Through My Mind’s Eye

I am a very imaginative girl,
I travel through time and all over the world.
One day, I'm Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile,
ruling all of Egypt with my own majestic style.
The next day, I'm intelligent Einstein,
thinking up new things that are simply divine.
On Mondays and other days in between,
I'm always some really famous queen.
Sometimes, I'm the president of the United States,
signing and vetoing laws under hot debate.
Some days, I like to be Elvis, the rock and roll king,
okay, lately it’s become a weekly thing.
Every once in a while, I have a spectacular dream,
like Martin Luther King had for his liberation scheme.
Sometimes, I'm a caveman, living way in the past,
cave painting and mammoth hunting is a blast.
And other days, I'm an astronaut,
Pluto, stars, and the Milky Way, I have sought.
Sometimes, I'm rich like Bill Gates,
with billions of dollars and an extra large estate.
Other days, I like to be a beautiful creature,
helping the homeless, teaching kids, or being a preacher.
In the future, there are many great notions,
of peace, happiness, and miraculous potions.
I love exploring through my mind’s eye,
to far away places and where uncharted lands lie.
I always come back before long,
to my home, the place where I belong.

~Written by Liesl, 15

All of the really cool pictures and ideas on this page are from the Girl Scout Official Web-site at www.girlscouts.org. Check it out!
Also, for lots of cool and fun activities and great tips to get your creative juices flowing, check out Night Writer, the different activities, journals, and much more! Go to http://jfg.girlscouts.org and then click on the Living Room Sign. Choose your age level and explore the Read-Write-Speak-Listen section and other parts! There are so many great things out there, so go take a look!

Wonderful Links

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